Minutes - 2021.05.18

May 18, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in special session, May 18, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann (via Zoom), Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the agenda with the addition of a contract recommendation.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Three people requested their remarks be shared during Open Comment to the Board.  They were:  Katie Jacobson, Alison Weidemann, and Alicia Linderman. 

ITEM 5. – Action Items

  1. Response to the Iowa Department of Health Mask Guidance dated May 14, 2021 – Dr. Ross received emails from 23 people, which were shared with the Board before the meeting.  Of those, 10 were in favor of requiring masks for the remainder of the school year, while 13 were against. 

Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve maintaining masks for the remaining 8 days of the school year when indoors; relax masking at all outdoor events while encouraging social distancing beyond households; masks for summer school optional beginning June 1; maintain masks on busses, which aligns with federal mask requirements; and have open bleacher seating for baseball and softball.  Motion passed with Williams, Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest voting aye, and Pruismann voting nay.   

Item 6. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the following:
  • Resignation of Elizabeth Schwake, Northeast Hamilton Elementary Music and Middle School Band; Jim Hindt, High School English; and Emily Sletten, 2nd Grade at Northeast Hamilton Elementary.
  • Contracts of Molly Westrum, Social Worker; Carissa Lee, 2nd Grade at Northeast Hamilton Elementary; Sonjia Johnson, 2nd Grade at Northeast Hamilton Elementary; transfer of Emily Pruismann to .5 Instructional Coach and .5 ELL at Northeast Hamilton Elementary, and Kennedy Daniels, 3rd Grade at Sunset Heights Elementary.  Motion carried. 

Item 7. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 4:56 p.m.  Motion carried.    

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, May 24, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                              Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President