Minutes - 2020.10.12

October 12, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, October 12, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.  

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the agenda by adding Action Item F - ICN Contract and tabling a Contract Recommendation.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items –

  1. High School Student Support Update – Mr. Johnson, High School Principal; Mr. Farley, High School Assistant Principal; Ms. Paukert, High School Guidance Counselor; and Ms. Smith, High School Guidance Counselor, discussed supports being offered to high school students.  Those supports focus on (1) academics, giving students an extra 25 minutes a day to focus on the multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), and (2) the social-emotional needs of students, giving them the tools to recognize what is going on and things they can do to help alleviate stress.  Also discussed was the possibility of holding a study table during remote learning days. 
  2. Social Worker – Dr. Ross discussed the possibility of hiring a School Social Worker as a resource for School Counselors to help support staff and students.

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Special Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Special Education Contract for student services with CAM Community School District.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. First Reading of Board Policy 803.2 Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites – Item was tabled until the next meeting.
  3. Second Reading of Board Policy Series 800, Buildings and Sites – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the second reading of Board Policy, Series 800, Buildings and Sites.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Fundraising Request – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the fundraising request for High School Girls Basketball to sell Lynx basketball apparel.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. Competition Gym Advertising LED Board – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Competition Gym Advertising LED Board.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. ICN Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the ICN Contract for increased bandwidth.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 7. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations -   A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the recommendation of Hillary Lang, NEH Elementary Paraeducator; Beth Patterson, High School Guidance Secretary; Abbie Thompson, High School Paraeducator; and Troy Draeger, High School Night Custodian.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 8. – Other -

A.         Items from Dr. Ross –

    • Dr. Ross congratulated the High School Football team on a perfect football season. 
    • Dr. Ross said last week was a beautiful week for Homecoming and was well attended.  Congratulations to the students for a job well done with the Homecoming video.  A big thank you goes out to students, staff and administration for all the work put into making the week a success. 
    • Dr. Ross told the Board, Mitch Dunham, Director of Buildings and Grounds, met with the architect from FEH Design regarding plans for air conditioning at Pleasant View Elementary. 

B          Items from the Board –

    • Mr. Stroner said if the High School was interested in using the Legion for study table space on remote learning days, the Legion’s internet bandwidth may need to be increased.

ITEM 9. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2020 Board Meeting, to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports, payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes, to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 10.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, October 26 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                               Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President