605.7R1 - Staff Access to District Provided Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources - Regulations

Telecommunications, electronic and networked information resources are provided by the District solely for the advancement and promotion of learning and teaching.  Access privileges to District networks and electronic information resources will be given to staff as is appropriate to the site and assignment.

The Board is committed to expanded technological and communicative opportunities.  If approved by the Board or Director of Technology, staff will allow Weblogs (“Blogs”) or Social Network web sites to be used for educational purposes if properly implemented and supervised by a classroom teacher.  Blogs and Social Network web sites used for this purpose are considered extensions of the classroom are, therefore, subject to employee conduct.  Because the use of school computers is limited to school work, personal blogs or Social Network web sites that do not pertain to class work should not be accessed from school computers.  Using school computers for personal blogging to Social Network web sites may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Staff use of telecommunications and electronic information resources external to district provided networks is a privilege which may be permitted upon submission of a telecommunications use agreement form by the staff member.  In addition, each staff member will read and understand the Computer Acceptable Use Policy which provides for the appropriate use of telecommunications, electronic and networked information resources. A staff member’s signature on the form acknowledges they have read and understood the supplemental information which will be provided with the permission form.  This information will include responsibilities the staff member is assuming in applying for telecommunications access.  Completed forms will be on file with the Director of Technology.

All network users will follow the guidelines listed below when using District networks, electronic resources or telecommunication systems:

  1. The use of these resources shall be consistent with the District’s educational mission, policy, and state and federal laws.
  2. Use of these resources is a privilege which requires a high level of personal responsibility to act in a considerate and responsible manner.
  3. Users will respect the property of others, including their electronic storage areas.
  4. Users will keep their network account access privileges private and secured with appropriate passwords.
  5. Users will make every effort to protect District equipment from physical and electronic damage.  Care will be taken to prevent computer viruses and other destructive programs which may be transmitted between network systems from damaging District systems or other systems accessed by the user.
  6. Appropriate language will be used in electronic mail and other electronic communications.
  7. Users will be respectful of others opinions.
  8. District resources will not be used for personal commercial purposes without prior approval of the site administrator.
  9. District resources and communication capabilities will be used wisely.  In as much as telecommunications is a shared resource with a limit to the amount of information which may be “simultaneously” transmitted or received, users may use real-time conferencing features, such as talk, Internet-relay chat, real time audio, and similar programs only if approved and coordinated with the District technology director.

If a staff member gains access to any service via telecommunications which have costs involved or if a staff member incurs other types of costs without prior approval of the site administrator, the staff member will be responsible for paying those costs.  Staff telecommunications use agreements shall include a provision that the staff member will hold harmless from the staff member’s violations of copyright laws, software licensing requirements, access of inappropriate materials, violations by the staff member of others’ rights to confidentiality, free speech and privacy, and damage to systems accessed by the staff member.

The individual whose name a system account is issued is responsible at all times for its proper use.  Transmission of material, information or software in violation of any board policy or regulation is prohibited.  The District reserves the right to inspect all files.

Systems Monitoring

The District unconditionally reserves the right to monitor and examine all District systems and system activity.  The District technology director or his/her designee may monitor or examine all system activities as deemed appropriate to ensure proper use of the system.  In addition, the director of his/her designee may inspect the contents of electronic mail, documents or files sent by a system user and may disclose the contents to others when required to do so by law, policies of the District, or to investigate complaints regarding electronic mail, documents, files, Blogs or Social Network web sites which is alleged to contain defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, offensive or illegal material.  The Director of Technology or Superintendent will deem what is inappropriate use of the District systems and that decision is final.  The Director of Technology may close an account at any time as required.  The administration, faculty, and staff of the Webster City Community School District may request the Director of Technology to deny, revoke or suspend specific user accounts.

The District technology director is responsible for disseminating and interpreting District policy and administrative regulations governing the use of the District’s systems, directing required staff development and training programs, establishing storage allocations and restrictions and file retention policies.

Blogging and Social Network Web Site Guidelines

Blogs and Social Network Web Site are considered an extension of the classroom and, therefore, are subject to these guidelines as well as the rules and regulations of the District.  The use of school computers is limited to schoolwork; personal blogs and Social Network Web Sites that do not pertain to classwork at Webster City Community School District should not be accessed from school computers.  These guidelines are not meant to be exhaustive and do not cover every contingency.

Staff should not write anything on a blog or Social Network Web Site that he/she would not say or write in the classroom.  Here are some specific items to consider:

  • The use of blogs and Social Network Web Sites are considered an extension of the classroom.  Therefore, any speech that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is inappropriate on a blog.  This includes, but is not limited to, profanity; racist, sexist or discriminatory remarks; personal attacks.
  • Blogs and Social Network Web Sites are used primarily as learning tools, either as extensions of conversations and thinking outside of regular class time, or as the basis for beginning new classroom discussions.
  • Blogs and Social Network Web Sites are public.  Whatever you post on a blog can be read by anyone and everyone on the Internet.
  • Pictures may not be inserted into a blog or Social Network Web Site regardless of its educational purposes.


In the event of staff misuse of District telecommunications, electronic or networked information resources, the District may suspend or revoke a system user’s access to the District’s system upon any violation of District policy, administrative regulations, and/or state or federal law.  Prior to disciplinary action or as soon as practical, the Director of Technology, Superintendent or building Principal will inform the staff member of the suspected violation and give the staff member an opportunity to present an explanation.  The school may take disciplinary action, up to and including termination or appropriate legal action upon any violation of District policy, administrative regulation, and/or state or federal law.  When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.