605.7 - Staff Access and Appropriate Usage of District Provided Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources

The District supports the appropriate use of technology-based information resources by staff members.  These resources include District provided networks, electronic media, and telecommunications tools, such as access to Internet resources.

Access privileges to District networks and electronic information resources will be given to the staff as is appropriate to the site and assignment.  Staff use of telecommunications and electronic information resources external to District provided networks is a privilege which may be permitted upon submission of a telecommunications use agreement form by the staff member.  In addition, each staff member will read and understand the Computer Acceptable Use Policy which provides for the appropriate use of telecommunications, electronics and networked information resources.

District provided telecommunications, electronic and networked information resources are provided solely for the advancement and promotion of learning and teaching.  The use of these resources shall be consistent with the District’s educational mission, policy and state and federal laws and regulations.  Failure to abide by District policy, applicable laws and administrative regulations governing use of these resources may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, in accordance with appropriate board policies and administrative rules.  Fees, fines or other charges may also be imposed as a result of misuse of these technology resources by the staff member.



Approved:  September 2007
Reviewed:  May 2018