605 - Instructional Materials

605 - Instructional Materials dawn@iowaschoo… Thu, 11/21/2019 - 20:40

605.1 - Instructional Materials Selection

605.1 - Instructional Materials Selection

The board has sole discretion to approve instructional materials for the school district.  This authority is delegated to licensed employees to determine which instructional materials, other than textbooks, will be utilized by and purchased by the school district.

In reviewing current instructional materials for continued use and in selecting additional instructional materials, licensed employees shall consider the current and future needs of the school district as well as the changes and the trends in education and society.  It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to report to the board the action taken by licensed employees.

In the case of textbooks, the board shall make the final decision after receiving a recommendation from the superintendent.  The criteria stated above for selection of other instructional materials shall apply to the selection of textbooks.  The superintendent may develop another means for the selection of textbooks.  Textbooks shall be reviewed as needed and at least every seven years.

Education materials given to the school district must meet the criteria established above.  The gift must be received in compliance with board policy.



Cross Reference:         
209.1   Ad Hoc Committees

505      Student Scholastic Achievement
602      Curriculum Development
605      Instructional Materials

Approved: September 2007
Reviewed:  May 2018


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 09:12

605.1R1 - Selection of Instructional Materials

605.1R1 - Selection of Instructional Materials

I.    Responsibility for Selection of Instructional Materials

      A.  The Board is responsible for matters relating to the operation of the Webster City Community School District.

      B.  The responsibility for the selection of instructional materials is delegated to the professionally trained and licensed employees of the school system. 
           For the purpose of this rule the term "instructional materials" includes printed and audiovisual materials (not equipment), whether considered text
           materials or media center materials.  The board retains the final authority for the approval of textbooks.

      C.  While selection of materials may involve many people including principals, teachers, students, parents, community members and media specialists,
           the responsibility for coordinating the selection of most instructional materials and making the recommendation for the purchase rests with licensed
           employees.  For the purpose of this rule the term "media specialist" includes librarians, school media specialists or other appropriately licensed
           persons responsible for the selection of media equipment and materials.

     D.  Responsibility for coordinating the selection of text materials for distribution to classes will rest with the licensed employees, principal and
          superintendent.  For the purpose of this rule the term 'text materials' includes textbooks and other printed and nonprinted material provided in multiple
          copies for use of a total class or major segment of a class.

      E.  If the board appoints an ad hoc committee to make recommendations on the selection of instructional materials, the ad hoc committee shall be
           formed and appointed in compliance with the board policy on Ad Hoc Committees.

  1.       The superintendent will inform the committee as to their role and responsibility in the process.
  2.       The following statement shall be given to the ad hoc committee members:

Bear in mind the principles of the freedom to learn and to read and base your decision on these broad principles rather than on defense of individual materials.  Freedom of inquiry is vital to education in a democracy.

Study thoroughly all materials referred to you and read available reviews.  The general acceptance of the materials should be checked by consulting standard evaluation aids and local holdings in other schools.

Passages or parts should not be pulled out of context.  The values and faults should be weighed against each other and the opinions based on the material as a whole.

Your report, presenting both majority and minority opinions, will be presented by the principal to the complainant at the conclusion of our discussion of the questioned material.

II.  Material selected for use in libraries and classrooms shall meet the following guidelines:

     A.  Religion - Material shall represent the major religions in a factual, unbiased manner.  The primary source material of the major religions shall be
          considered appropriate, but material which advocates rather than informs, or is designed to sway reader judgment regarding religion, shall not be
          included in the school libraries or classrooms.

      B.  Racism - Material shall present a diversity of race, custom, culture, and belief as a positive aspect of the nation's heritage and give candid treatment
           to unresolved intercultural problems, including those which involve prejudice, discrimination, and the undesirable consequences of withholding rights,
           freedom, or respect of an individual.

      C.  Sexism - Material shall reflect sensitivity to the needs, rights, traits and aspirations of men and women without preference or bias.

     D.  Age - Material shall recognize the diverse contributions of various age groups and portray the continuing contributions of maturing members of society.

      E.  Ideology - Material shall present basic primary and factual information on an ideology or philosophy of government which exerts or has exerted a
           strong force, either favorably or unfavorably, over civilization or society, past or present.  This material shall not be selected with the intention to sway
           reader judgment and shall be related to the maturity level of the intended audience.

      F.  Profanity and Sex - Material shall be subjected to a test of literary merit and reality by the media specialists and licensed staff who will take into
           consideration their reading of public and community standards of morality.

     G.  Controversial issues materials will be directed toward maintaining a balanced collection representing various views.

The selection decision should be made on the basis of whether the material presents an accurate representation of society and culture, whether the circumstances depicted are realistically portrayed, or whether the material has literary or social value when the material is viewed as a whole.

These guidelines shall not be construed in such a manner as to preclude materials which accurately represent the customs, morals, manners, culture, or society of a different time or a different place.

III. Procedure for Selection

     A.  Material purchased for libraries and classrooms shall be recommended for purchase by licensed employees, in consultation with administrative staff,
          media center staff, students or an ad hoc committee as appointed by the board.  The material recommended for purchase shall be approved by the
          appropriate building administrator.

  1. The materials selected shall support stated objectives and goals of the school district.  Specifically, the goals are:
    To acquire materials and provide service consistent with the demands of the curriculum;
    To develop students' skills and resourcefulness in the use of libraries and learning resources;
    To effectively guide and counsel students in the selection and use of materials and libraries;
    To foster in students a wide range of significant interests;
    To provide opportunities for aesthetic experiences and development of an appreciation of the fine arts;
    To provide materials to motivate students to examine their own attitudes and behaviors and to comprehend their own duties and responsibilities as citizens in a pluralistic democracy;
    To encourage life-long education through the use of the library; and,
    To work cooperatively and constructively with the instructional and administrative staff in the school.
  1. Materials selected shall be consistent with stated principles of selection.  These principles are:
    To select material, within established standards, which will meet the goals and objectives of the school district;
    To consider the educational characteristics of the community in the selection of materials within a given category;
    To present the gender, racial, religious and ethnic groups in the community by:
         (1)  Portraying people, both men and women, adults and children, whatever their ethnic, religious or social class identity, as human and
                recognizable, displaying a familiar range of emotions, both negative and positive.
    Placing no constraints on individual aspirations and opportunity.
    Giving comprehensive, accurate, and balanced representation to minority groups and women - in art and science, history and literature,
               and in all other fields of life and culture.
    Providing abundant recognition of minority groups and women by showing them frequently in positions of leadership and authority.
    To intelligently, quickly, and effectively anticipate and meet needs through awareness of subjects of local, national and international interest and significance; and,
    To strive for impartiality in the selection process.
  1. The materials selected shall meet stated selection criteria.  These criteria are:
    Authority-Author's qualifications - education, experience, and previously published works;
    Accuracy-meaningful organization and emphasis on content, meets the material's goals and objectives, and presents authoritative and
               realistic factual material.
    Current-presentation of content which is consistent with the finding of recent and authoritative research.
    Treatment of subject-shows an objective reflection for the multi-ethnic character and cultural diversity of society.
    Does not indicate bias by the use of words which may result in negative value judgments about groups of people;
    Does not use "man" or similar limiting word usage in generalization or ambiguities which may cause women to feel excluded or
    Compatible to the reading level of the student for whom it is intended.
    Adequate and accurate index;
    Paper of good quality and color;
    Print adequate and well spaced;
    Adequate margins;
    Firmly bound; and,
    Flexibility, adaptability;
    Curricular orientation of significant interest to students;
    Appropriate for audience;
    Accurate authoritative presentation;
    Good production qualities (fidelity, aesthetically adequate);
    Durability; and,
    Illustrations of book and nonbook materials should:
    Depict instances of fully integrated grouping and settings to indicate equal status and nonsegregated social relationships.
    Make clearly apparent the identity of minorities;
    Contain pertinent and effective illustrations;
    Flexible to enable the teacher to use parts at a time and not follow a comprehensive instructional program on a rigid frame of reference.
    Special Features:
         (1)   Bibliographies.
    Current charts, maps, etc.
    Visual aids.
    Special activities to stimulate and challenge students.
    Provide a variety of learning skills.
    Potential use:
    Will it meet the requirement of reference work?
    Will it help students with personal problems and adjustments?
    Will it serve as a source of information for teachers and librarians?
    Does it offer an understanding of cultures other than the student's own and is it free of racial, religious, age, disability, ethnic, and gender
    Will it expand students' sphere of understanding and help them to understand the ideas and beliefs of others?
    Will it help students and teachers keep abreast of and understand current events?
    Will it foster and develop hobbies and special interest?
    Will it help develop aesthetic tastes and appreciation?
         (9)   Will it serve the needs of students with special problems?
        (10)  Does it inspire learning?
        (11)  Is it relevant to the subject?
        (12)  Will it stimulate a student's interest?
  1. Gifts of library or instructional materials may be accepted if the gift meets existing criteria for library and instructional materials.  The acceptance and placement of such gifts shall be within the discretion of the board.
  1. In order to provide a current, highly usable collection of materials, media specialists shall provide for constant and continuing renewal of the collection, not only the addition of up-to-date materials, but by the judicious elimination of materials which no longer meet school district needs or find use.  The process of weeding instructional materials will be done according to established and accepted standards for determining the relevance and value of materials in a given context.


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 09:14

605.2 - Instructional Materials Inspection

605.2 - Instructional Materials Inspection

Parents and other members of the school district community may view the instructional materials used by the students.  All instructional materials, including teacher's manuals, films, tapes or other supplementary material which will be used in connection with any survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of any federally funded programs must be available for inspection by parents. 

The instructional materials must be viewed on school district premises.  Copies may be obtained according to board policy.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations regarding the inspection of instructional materials.



Cross Reference:         
602      Curriculum Development

605      Instructional Materials
901.1   Public Examination of School District Records

Approved: September 2007
Reviewed:  May 2018


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 09:44

605.3 - Objection to Instructional Materials

605.3 - Objection to Instructional Materials

Members of the school district community may object to the instructional materials utilized in the school district and ask for their use to be reconsidered.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principals, to develop administrative regulations for reconsideration of instructional materials.



Cross Reference:     
215          Public Participation in Board Meetings

402.5       Public Complaints About Employees
602          Curriculum Development
605           Instructional Materials

Approved: September 2007
Reviewed:  May 2018


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 09:46

605.3E1 - Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee

605.3E1 - Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee

The policy of this school district related to selection of learning materials states that any member of the school district community may formally challenge instructional materials used in the district's education program.  This policy allows those persons in the school and the community who are not directly involved in the selection of materials to make their own opinions known.  The task of the reconsideration committee is to provide an open forum for discussion of challenged materials and to make an informed recommendation on the challenge.  The meetings of the committee may be subject to the open meetings law.

The most critical component of the reconsideration process is the establishment and maintenance of the committee's credibility in the community.  For this purpose, the committee is composed of community members.  The community should not, therefore, infer that the Committee is biased or is obligated to uphold prior professional decisions.  For this same reason, a community member will be selected to chair the committee.

The reconsideration process, the task of this committee, is just one part of the selection continuum.  Material is purchased to meet a need.  It is reviewed and examined, if possible, prior to purchase.  It is periodically re-evaluated through updating, discarding, or re-examination.  The committee must be ready to acknowledge that an error in selection may have been made despite this process.  Librarians and school employees regularly read great numbers of reviews in the selection process, and occasional errors are possible.

In reconsidering challenged materials, the role of the committee, and particularly the chairperson, is to produce a climate for disagreement.  However, the committee should begin by finding items of agreement, keeping in mind that the larger the group participating, the greater the amount of information available and, therefore, the greater the number of possible approaches to the problem.

If the complainant chooses, the complainant may make an oral presentation to the committee to expand and elaborate on the complaint.  The committee will listen to the Complainant, to those with special knowledge, and any other interested persons.  In these discussions, the committee should be aware of relevant social pressures which are affecting the situation.  Individuals who may try to dominate or impose a decision must not be allowed to do so.  Minority viewpoints expressed by groups or individuals must be heard, and observers must be made to feel welcome.  It is important that the committee create a calm, nonvolatile environment in which to deal with a potentially volatile situation.  To this end, the complainant will be kept informed of the progress of the complaint.

The committee will listen to the views of all interested persons before making recommendations.  In deliberating its recommendation, the committee should remember that the school system must be responsive to the needs, tastes, and opinions of the community it serves.  Therefore, the committee must distinguish between broad community sentiment and attempts to impose personal standards.  The deliberations should concentrate on the appropriateness of the material.  The question to be answered by the committee is, "Is the material appropriate for its designated audience at this time?"

The committee's final recommendation will be (1) to remove the challenged material from the total school environment, (2) to take no removal action, or (3) to agree on a limitation of the educational use of the materials.

The committee chairperson will instruct the secretary to convey the committee's recommendation to the office of the superintendent.  The recommendation should detail the rationale on which it was based.  A letter will be sent to the complainant outlining the outcome


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 09:49

605.3E2 - Reconsideration of Instructional Materials

605.3E2 - Reconsideration of Instructional Materials

See form attached 



dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 09:54
File Attachments

605.3E3 - Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional Materials

605.3E3 - Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional Materials


We recognize your concern about the use of                                                      in our school district.  The school district has developed procedures for selection of instructional materials but realizes that not everyone will agree with every selection made.

To help you understand the selection process, we are sending copies of the school districts':

  1.    Instructional goals and objectives,
  2.    Instructional Materials Selection policy statement, and
  3.    Procedure for reconsideration of instructional materials.

If you are still concerned after you review this material, please complete the Reconsideration Request Form and return it to me.  You may be assured of prompt attention to your request.  If I have not heard from you within one week, we will assume you no longer wish to file a formal complaint.





dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:07

605.3R1 - Reconsideration of Instructional Materials Regulation

605.3R1 - Reconsideration of Instructional Materials Regulation

A.  A member of the school district community may raise an objection to instructional materials used in the school district's education program despite the fact that the individuals selecting such material were duly qualified to make the selection and followed the proper procedure and observed the criteria for selecting such material.

  1. The school official or employee receiving a complaint regarding instructional materials will try to resolve the issue informally.  The materials will remain in use pending the outcome of the reconsideration procedure.
    The school official or employee initially receiving a complaint will explain to the individual the board's selection procedure, criteria to be met by the instructional materials, and qualifications of those persons selecting the material.
    The school official or employee initially receiving a complaint will explain to the individual the role of the objected material in the education program, its intended educational purpose, and additional information regarding its use.  In the alternative, the employee may refer the individual to the media specialist who can identify and explain the use of the material.
  1. The employee receiving the initial complaint will advise the building principal of the initial contact no later than the end of the school day following the discussion with the individual, whether or not the individual has been satisfied by the initial contact.  A written record of the contact is maintained by the principal in charge of the attendance center.  Each building principal shall inform employees of their obligation to report complaints.
  1. In the event the individual making an objection to instructional materials is not satisfied with the initial explanation, the individual is referred to the principal or to the media specialist of the attendance center.  If, after consultation with the principal or media specialist, the individual desires to file a formal complaint, the principal or media specialist will assist in filling out a Reconsideration Request Form in full and filing it with the superintendent.

B.  Request for Reconsideration

  1. A member of the school district community may formally challenge instructional materials on the basis of appropriateness used in the school district's education program.  This procedure is for the purpose of considering the opinions of those persons in the school district and the community who are not directly involved in the selection process.
  1. Each attendance center and the school district's central administrative office will keep on hand and make available Reconsideration Request Forms.  Formal objections to instructional materials must be made on this form.
  1. The individual will state the specific reason the instructional material is being challenged.  The Reconsideration Request Form is signed by the individual and filed with the superintendent. 
  1. The superintendent will promptly file the objection with the reconsideration committee for re-evaluation.
  1. Generally, access to challenged instructional material will not be restricted during the reconsideration process.  However, in unusual circumstances, the instructional material may be removed temporarily by following the provisions of Section B.6.d. of this rule.
  1. The Reconsideration Committee
    The reconsideration committee is made up of eight members.
    One licensed employee designated annually by the superintendent.
    One media specialist designated annually by the superintendent.
    One member of the administrative team designated annually by the superintendent.
      Three members of the community appointed annually by the board.
      Two high school students, selected annually by the high school principal.
    The committee will annually select their chairperson and secretary.
    The committee will meet at the request of the superintendent.
    Special meetings may be called by the board to consider temporary removal of materials in unusual circumstances.  A recommendation for temporary removal will require a two-thirds vote of the committee.
    Notice of committee meetings is made public through appropriate publications and other communications methods.
    The committee will receive the completed Reconsideration Request Form from the superintendent.
      The committee will determine its agenda for the first meeting which may include the following:
    Distribution of copies of the completed Reconsideration Request Form.
    An opportunity for the individual or a group spokesperson to talk about or expand on the Reconsideration Request Form.
    Distribution of reputable, professionally prepared reviews of the challenged instructional material if available.
    Distribution of copies of the challenged instructional material as available.
    The committee may review the selection process for the challenged instructional material and may, to its satisfaction, determine that the challenge is without merit and dismiss the challenge.  The committee will notify the individual and the superintendent of its action.
    At a subsequent meeting, if held, interested persons, including the individual filing the challenge, may have the opportunity to share their views.  The committee may request that individuals with special knowledge be present to give information to the committee.
    The individual filing the challenge is kept informed by the reconsideration committee secretary on the status of the Reconsideration Request Form throughout the reconsideration process.  The individual filing the challenge and known interested parties is given appropriate notice of meetings.
    At the second or a subsequent meeting the committee will make its final recommendation.  The committee's final recommendation may be to take no removal action, to remove the challenged material from the school environment, or to limit the educational use of the challenged material.  The sole criterion for the final recommendation is the appropriateness of the material for its intended educational use.  The written final recommendation and its justification are forwarded to the board, the individual and the appropriate attendance centers.  The superintendent my also make a recommendation but if so, it should be independent from the committee’s.

    Following the board’s decision with respect to the committee's recommendation, the individual or the chairperson of the reconsideration committee may appeal the decision to the board for review.  Such appeal must be presented to the superintendent in writing within five days following the announcement of the superintendent's decision.  The board will promptly determine whether to hear the appeal.                

    l.  A recommendation to sustain a challenge will not be interpreted as a judgment of irresponsibility on the part of the individuals involved in the original selection or use of the material.
    Requests to reconsider materials which have previously been reconsidered by the committee must receive approval of two-thirds of the committee members before the materials will again be reconsidered.  Completed and filed Reconsideration Request Forms are acted upon by the committee.
    If necessary or appropriate in the judgment of the committee, the committee may appoint a subcommittee of members or nonmembers to consolidate challenges and to make recommendations to the full committee.  The composition of this subcommittee will approximate the representation of the full committee.
    Committee members directly associated with the selection, use, or challenger of the challenged material are excused from the committee during the deliberation of the challenged instructional materials.  The superintendent may appoint a temporary replacement for the excused committee member, but the replacement is of the same general qualifications as the member excused.
    Persons dissatisfied with the decision of the board may appeal to the Iowa Board of Education pursuant to state law.


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:10

605.4 - Technology and Instructional Materials

605.4 - Technology and Instructional Materials

The board supports the use of innovative methods and the use of technology in the delivery of the education program.  The board encourages employees to investigate economic ways to utilize instructional television, audiovisual materials, computers, and other technological advances as a part of the curriculum.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to develop a plan for the use of technology in the curriculum and to evaluate it annually.  The superintendent shall report the results of the evaluation and make a recommendation to the board annually regarding the use of technology in the curriculum.



Cross Reference:         
217.4   Board of Directors and Area Education Agency

602      Curriculum Development
605      Instructional Materials

Approved: September 2007
Reviewed:  May 2018


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:32

605.5 - Media Centers

605.5 - Media Centers

The school district will maintain a media center in each building for use by employees and by students during the school day.

Materials for the centers will be acquired according to board policy, "Instructional Materials Selection."

It is the responsibility of the principal of the building in which the media center is located to oversee the use of materials in the media center.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop procedures for the selection and replacement of both library and instructional materials, for the acceptance of gifts, for the weeding of library and instructional materials, and for the handling of challenges to either library or classroom materials.



Cross Reference:          
602      Curriculum Development

605      Instructional Materials

Approved:  September 2007
Reviewed:  May 2018


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:35

605.6 - Internet - Appropriate Use

605.6 - Internet - Appropriate Use

Because technology is a vital part of the school district curriculum, the Internet will be made available to employees and students.  Appropriate and equitable use of the Internet will allow employees and students to access resources unavailable through traditional means.

Students will be able to access the internet.  Individual student accounts and electronic mail will not be issued to students.  If a student already has an electronic mail address, the student will not be permitted to use the address to send and receive mail at school.

The Internet can provide a vast collection of educational resources for students and employees.  It is a global network which makes it impossible to control all available information.  Because information appears, disappears and changes constantly, it is not possible to predict or control what students may locate.  The school district makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of information received on the Internet.  Although students will be under teacher supervision while on the network, it is not possible to constantly monitor individual students and what they are accessing on the network.  Some students might encounter information that may not be of educational value.  Student Internet records and access records are confidential records treated like other student records.  Students Internet activities will be monitored by the school district to ensure students are not accessing inappropriate sites that have visual depictions that include obscenity, child pornography or are harmful to minors.  The school district will use technology protection measure to protect students from inappropriate access.

Employees and students will be instructed on the appropriate use of the Internet.  Parents will be required to sign a permission form to allow their students to access the Internet.  Students will sign a form acknowledging they have read and understand the Internet Acceptable Use policy and regulations, that they will comply with the policy and regulations and understand the consequences for violation of the policy or regulations.



Cross References:        
502      Student Rights and Responsibilities

506      Student Records
605.5   Media Centers

Approved:  September 2007
Reviewed:  May 2018


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:37

605.6E1 - Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents

605.6E1 - Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents

Your child has access the Internet.  The vast domain of information contained within Internet's libraries can provide unlimited opportunities to students.

Students will be able to access the Internet through their teachers.  Individual student accounts and electronic mail addresses will not be issued to students at this time.  If a student already has an electronic mail address, he/she will not be permitted to use the address to send and receive mail at school.

Students will be expected to abide by the following network etiquette:

  • The use of the network is a privilege and may be taken away for violation of board policy or regulations.  As a user of the Internet, students may be allowed access to other networks.  Each network may have its own set of policies and procedures.  Students will abide by the policy and procedures of these other networks.
  • Students will respect all copyright and license agreements.
  • Students will cite all quotes, references, and sources.
  • Students will only remain on the system long enough to get needed information.
  • Students will apply the same privacy, ethical and educational considerations utilized in other forms of communication.
  • Student will not access electronic mail.
  • Students accessing Internet services that have a cost involved will be responsible for payment of those costs.



Please sign the form if you would like your child to be granted Internet access and return the permission form to your child's school.

Student Name  _____________________________________________________     Grade  ____________________

School  ___________________________________________________________     Date  _____________________


                                                                                              (Parent or guardian's signature)

If you have granted your child Internet access, please have them respond to the following:


I have read the expected network etiquette and agree to abide by these provisions.  I understand that violation of these provisions may constitute suspension or revocation of Internet privileges.


I agree to be responsible for payment of costs incurred by accessing any Internet services that have a cost involved.

                                                                                              (Student signature)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:38

605.6E2 - Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice

605.6E2 - Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice

Student:  _________________________________________________

Teacher:  _________________________________________________

Date:  ____________________________________________________

Students who access restricted items on the Internet shall be subject to the appropriate action described in the school's discipline policy or student handbook or to the following consequences:

__________  First Offense:

                      The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material.  He/she may lose Internet access for up
                      to three weeks at the discretion of the supervising teacher.  A second offense will result in the student losing Internet access for the balance of the
                      semester except for a specific class where Internet is needed.

__________  Second Offense:

                      The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for a second time.  As a consequence of
                      this violation the above student has lost Internet access for a period of the balance of the semester.

__________  Third Offense:

                      The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for a third time.  As a consequence of this
                      violation the above student has forfeited all Internet privileges for the balance of the school year.


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:42

605.6R1 - Internet - Appropriate Use Regulation

605.6R1 - Internet - Appropriate Use Regulation

I.       Responsibility for Internet Appropriate Use.

      A.  The authority for appropriate use of electronic Internet resources is delegated to the licensed employees. 

      B.  Instruction in the proper use of the Internet will be available to employees who will then provide similar instruction to their students.

      C.  Employees are expected to practice appropriate use of the Internet, and violations may result in discipline up to, and including, discharge.

II.      Internet Access.

      A.  Access to the Internet is available to teachers and students as a source of information and a vehicle of communication.

      B.  Students will be able to access the Internet through their teachers.  Individual student accounts and electronic mail addresses will not be issued to
           students at this time.

  1. Making Internet access available to students carries with it the potential that some students might encounter information that may not be appropriate for students.  However, on a global network, it is impossible to control all materials.  Because information on the Internet appears, disappears and changes, it is not possible to predict or control what students may locate.
  1. It is a goal to allow teachers and students access to the rich opportunities on the Internet, while we protect the rights of students and parents who choose not to risk exposure to questionable material.
  1. The smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines which require efficient, ethical and legal utilization of network resources.
  1. To reduce unnecessary system traffic, users may use real-time conference features such as talk/chat/Internet relay chat only as approved by the supervising teacher.
  1. Transmission of material, information or software in violation of any board policy or regulation is prohibited.
  1. System users will perform a virus check on downloaded files to avoid spreading computer viruses.
  1. The school district makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of information received on the Internet.

III.    Permission to Use Internet - Annually, parents shall grant permission for their student to use the Internet using the prescribed form.

IV.    Student Use of Internet.

      A.  Equal Opportunity - The Internet shall be available to all students within the school district through teacher access.  The amount of time available for
          each student may be limited by the number of available terminals and the demands for each terminal.

      B.  On-line Etiquette.

  1. The use of the network is a privilege and may be taken away for violation of board policy or regulations.  As a user of the Internet, students may be allowed access to other networks.  Each network may have its own set of policies and procedures.  It is the user's responsibility to abide by the policies and procedures of these other networks.
  1. Students should adhere to on-line protocol:
    Respect all copyright and license agreements.
    Cite all quotes, references and sources.
      Remain on the system long enough to get needed information, then exit the system.
      Apply the same privacy, ethical and educational considerations utilized in other forms of communication.
  1. Students will not access any electronic mail

      C.  Restricted Material - Students shall not intentionally access or download any text file or picture or engage in any conference that includes material
            which is obscene, libelous, indecent, vulgar, profane or lewd; advertises any product or service not permitted to minors by law; constitutes insulting or
            fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses others; or presents a clear and present likelihood that, either because of its content
            or the manner of distribution, it will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or
            school activities, will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful school regulations.

      D.  Unauthorized Costs - If a student gains access to any service via the Internet which has a cost involved or if a student incurs other types of costs, the
            student accessing such a service will be responsible for those costs.

V.     Student Violations--Consequences and Notifications.

         Students who access restricted items on the Internet shall be subject to the appropriate action described in board policy or regulations or the following

  1. First Violation - A verbal and written "Warning" notice will be issued to the student.  The student may lose Internet access for a period of the remainder of the semester at the discretion of the supervising teacher.  A copy of the notice will be mailed to the student's parent and a copy provided to the building principal.
  1. Second Violation - A verbal and written "Second Violation" notice will be issued to the student.  A copy of the notice will be sent to the student's parent and a copy provided to the building principal.  The student shall forfeit all Internet privileges for a minimum period of the remainder of the semester.
  1. Third Violation - A verbal and written "Third Violation" notice will be issued to the student.  A copy of the notice will be sent to the student's parent and a copy provided to the building principal.  The student shall forfeit all Internet privileges for the balance of the school year.


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:45

605.7 - Staff Access and Appropriate Usage of District Provided Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources

605.7 - Staff Access and Appropriate Usage of District Provided Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources

The District supports the appropriate use of technology-based information resources by staff members.  These resources include District provided networks, electronic media, and telecommunications tools, such as access to Internet resources.

Access privileges to District networks and electronic information resources will be given to the staff as is appropriate to the site and assignment.  Staff use of telecommunications and electronic information resources external to District provided networks is a privilege which may be permitted upon submission of a telecommunications use agreement form by the staff member.  In addition, each staff member will read and understand the Computer Acceptable Use Policy which provides for the appropriate use of telecommunications, electronics and networked information resources.

District provided telecommunications, electronic and networked information resources are provided solely for the advancement and promotion of learning and teaching.  The use of these resources shall be consistent with the District’s educational mission, policy and state and federal laws and regulations.  Failure to abide by District policy, applicable laws and administrative regulations governing use of these resources may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, in accordance with appropriate board policies and administrative rules.  Fees, fines or other charges may also be imposed as a result of misuse of these technology resources by the staff member.



Approved:  September 2007
Reviewed:  May 2018


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:51

605.7R1 - Staff Access to District Provided Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources - Regulations

605.7R1 - Staff Access to District Provided Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources - Regulations

Telecommunications, electronic and networked information resources are provided by the District solely for the advancement and promotion of learning and teaching.  Access privileges to District networks and electronic information resources will be given to staff as is appropriate to the site and assignment.

The Board is committed to expanded technological and communicative opportunities.  If approved by the Board or Director of Technology, staff will allow Weblogs (“Blogs”) or Social Network web sites to be used for educational purposes if properly implemented and supervised by a classroom teacher.  Blogs and Social Network web sites used for this purpose are considered extensions of the classroom are, therefore, subject to employee conduct.  Because the use of school computers is limited to school work, personal blogs or Social Network web sites that do not pertain to class work should not be accessed from school computers.  Using school computers for personal blogging to Social Network web sites may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Staff use of telecommunications and electronic information resources external to district provided networks is a privilege which may be permitted upon submission of a telecommunications use agreement form by the staff member.  In addition, each staff member will read and understand the Computer Acceptable Use Policy which provides for the appropriate use of telecommunications, electronic and networked information resources. A staff member’s signature on the form acknowledges they have read and understood the supplemental information which will be provided with the permission form.  This information will include responsibilities the staff member is assuming in applying for telecommunications access.  Completed forms will be on file with the Director of Technology.

All network users will follow the guidelines listed below when using District networks, electronic resources or telecommunication systems:

  1. The use of these resources shall be consistent with the District’s educational mission, policy, and state and federal laws.
  2. Use of these resources is a privilege which requires a high level of personal responsibility to act in a considerate and responsible manner.
  3. Users will respect the property of others, including their electronic storage areas.
  4. Users will keep their network account access privileges private and secured with appropriate passwords.
  5. Users will make every effort to protect District equipment from physical and electronic damage.  Care will be taken to prevent computer viruses and other destructive programs which may be transmitted between network systems from damaging District systems or other systems accessed by the user.
  6. Appropriate language will be used in electronic mail and other electronic communications.
  7. Users will be respectful of others opinions.
  8. District resources will not be used for personal commercial purposes without prior approval of the site administrator.
  9. District resources and communication capabilities will be used wisely.  In as much as telecommunications is a shared resource with a limit to the amount of information which may be “simultaneously” transmitted or received, users may use real-time conferencing features, such as talk, Internet-relay chat, real time audio, and similar programs only if approved and coordinated with the District technology director.

If a staff member gains access to any service via telecommunications which have costs involved or if a staff member incurs other types of costs without prior approval of the site administrator, the staff member will be responsible for paying those costs.  Staff telecommunications use agreements shall include a provision that the staff member will hold harmless from the staff member’s violations of copyright laws, software licensing requirements, access of inappropriate materials, violations by the staff member of others’ rights to confidentiality, free speech and privacy, and damage to systems accessed by the staff member.

The individual whose name a system account is issued is responsible at all times for its proper use.  Transmission of material, information or software in violation of any board policy or regulation is prohibited.  The District reserves the right to inspect all files.

Systems Monitoring

The District unconditionally reserves the right to monitor and examine all District systems and system activity.  The District technology director or his/her designee may monitor or examine all system activities as deemed appropriate to ensure proper use of the system.  In addition, the director of his/her designee may inspect the contents of electronic mail, documents or files sent by a system user and may disclose the contents to others when required to do so by law, policies of the District, or to investigate complaints regarding electronic mail, documents, files, Blogs or Social Network web sites which is alleged to contain defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, offensive or illegal material.  The Director of Technology or Superintendent will deem what is inappropriate use of the District systems and that decision is final.  The Director of Technology may close an account at any time as required.  The administration, faculty, and staff of the Webster City Community School District may request the Director of Technology to deny, revoke or suspend specific user accounts.

The District technology director is responsible for disseminating and interpreting District policy and administrative regulations governing the use of the District’s systems, directing required staff development and training programs, establishing storage allocations and restrictions and file retention policies.

Blogging and Social Network Web Site Guidelines

Blogs and Social Network Web Site are considered an extension of the classroom and, therefore, are subject to these guidelines as well as the rules and regulations of the District.  The use of school computers is limited to schoolwork; personal blogs and Social Network Web Sites that do not pertain to classwork at Webster City Community School District should not be accessed from school computers.  These guidelines are not meant to be exhaustive and do not cover every contingency.

Staff should not write anything on a blog or Social Network Web Site that he/she would not say or write in the classroom.  Here are some specific items to consider:

  • The use of blogs and Social Network Web Sites are considered an extension of the classroom.  Therefore, any speech that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is inappropriate on a blog.  This includes, but is not limited to, profanity; racist, sexist or discriminatory remarks; personal attacks.
  • Blogs and Social Network Web Sites are used primarily as learning tools, either as extensions of conversations and thinking outside of regular class time, or as the basis for beginning new classroom discussions.
  • Blogs and Social Network Web Sites are public.  Whatever you post on a blog can be read by anyone and everyone on the Internet.
  • Pictures may not be inserted into a blog or Social Network Web Site regardless of its educational purposes.


In the event of staff misuse of District telecommunications, electronic or networked information resources, the District may suspend or revoke a system user’s access to the District’s system upon any violation of District policy, administrative regulations, and/or state or federal law.  Prior to disciplinary action or as soon as practical, the Director of Technology, Superintendent or building Principal will inform the staff member of the suspected violation and give the staff member an opportunity to present an explanation.  The school may take disciplinary action, up to and including termination or appropriate legal action upon any violation of District policy, administrative regulation, and/or state or federal law.  When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:53

605.7E1 - Employee Appropriate Usage Agreement of District Provided Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources

605.7E1 - Employee Appropriate Usage Agreement of District Provided Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources

In order to make sure that all members of the Webster City Community School District understand and agree to these rules of conduct, Webster City Community School District asks that you, as a system user, sign the following statement.

I understand and will abide by the District guidelines and conditions for the use of the District’s Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources.  I further understand that any violation of the District guidelines is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense.  Should I commit any violations, my access privileges will be revoked.  Disciplinary action, up to and including termination and/or appropriate legal action will be taken.

I agree not to hold the Webster City Community School District nor any of its employees nor any of the institutions for networks providing access to Webster City Community School District responsible for the performance of the system or the content of any material accessed through it.

Agreement for an Electronic Communications System Account

I have read the District’s Telecommunications, Electronic and Networked Information Resources policy regulation.  In consideration for the privilege of using the District’s Resources and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my use or inability to use the system including, without limitation, the type of damages identified in the District’s policy and administrative regulations.


District Employee Name___________________________________

District Employee’s Signature_______________________________

This form will be retained on file by the Director of Technology for the duration of applicable computer/network/Internet use.


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:55