209.4 Rules of Order

209.4 Rules of Order

An orderly board meeting allows the board members to participate in the discussion and decision-making process. Rules of order for board meetings allow District business and the relative information concerning the business to be brought to the attention of the Board.  They also allow the board to discuss, act upon and make a clear record of District business in a regular, ordered, reasonable and consistent manner.

It shall be the responsibility of each board member to follow the rules of order stated in this policy at each meeting, and it shall be the responsibility of the presiding officer to conduct the board meeting within these rules.

In matters of procedure not covered by these policies, Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern.

Approved:  July 2022

Reviewed:  January 2022

Revised:  January 2022

mary_ellen_dra… Tue, 01/11/2022 - 14:26