Historic Board Minutes - 2020-21

Historic Board Minutes - 2020-21

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Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 06/11/2021 - 15:23

Minutes - 2020.07.13

Minutes - 2020.07.13

July 13, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, July 13, 2020, in the Middle School Commons, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Van Diest, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Pruismann and Ms. Williams.  Also present were members of the media and other interested parties.  

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the agenda with the deletion of Board Policy 804.2 Warning System and Emergency Plans and one addition under Contract Recommendations.  Motion carried unanimously.

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There was none. 

ITEM 5. – Appointment of Board Secretary – The Board appointed Kathy Biere as Board Secretary.

ITEM 6. – Administration of Oath of Office to Board Secretary – Board President Van Diest administered the Oath of Office to Kathy Biere.

ITEM 7. – Discussion Items -

  1. Return to Learn Plan – Dr. Ross gave a power point presentation regarding the District’s “Return to School” Plan.  The District will have four Models of Learning for the 2020-2021 school year which are:
  • Model 1 – In person learning for all students with mitigation procedures
  • Model 2 – PK-4 students in person learning and 5-12 students on A-B Hybrid Schedule
  • Model 3 – All PK-12 students on A-B Hybrid Schedule
  • Model 4 – Remote learning with no students attending in person

ITEM 8. – Action Items –

  1. 28E Agreements – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the 28E Agreements with United Community School District and Stratford Community School District for shared personnel.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. Designation of Financial Depositories and Limits for District Funds – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Designation of Financial Depositories and Limits for District Funds as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Resolution for Sale of Property – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to set the Public Hearing date for the sale of property located at 705 Odell Street, Webster City, Iowa, known as Riverview Early Childhood Center.  Motion carried unanimously.
  4. P-Card Rebate – Kathy Biere, Board Secretary, informed the Board the District received a P-Card Rebate totaling $1,431.95 for the 2019-2020 school year.
  5. Juvenile Court School Liaison Contract – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Juvenile Court School Liaison Contract for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. First Reading of Board Policies 304.1 Administrative Positions, and 308 Succession of Authority to the Superintendent.  Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson to approve the first reading of Board Policies 304.1 Administrative Positions and 308 Succession of Authority to the Superintendent.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 9. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations - A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the following:
    • Resignations from: Stephanie Osthus, Pleasant View Paraeducator
    • Recommendations of: Taylor Schnathorst, JV Volleyball, Jessica Bailey, Freshman Volleyball, Katie Evans, Co-Assistant Day Care Director, Lynnea Loughry, Day Care Worker, Sherri Olson, Day Care Cook and Abbey Pruismann, Co-Assistant Day Care Director. 

Motion carried unanimously.

ITEM 10. – Other

  1. Items from Dr. Ross –
    • Dr. Ross informed the Board the District website is up and running.
    • Dr. Ross reported there will no community use of facilities at this time due to the pandemic.
    • Dr. Ross informed the Board she has talked with Colette Bertran from Iowa Central Community College and they will be offering three different models for the fall – hybrid, virtual and face to face depending on the class.
    • Dr. Ross informed the Board the August 10th Board Meeting will be held at the Administration Office with board members present and spread out to comply with social distancing.  The meeting will be broadcast via Zoom conferencing. 
  2. Items from the Board –
    • Ms. Van Diest asked Dr. Ross to give an update on school registration.  Dr. Ross said the procedure is for families to call and make an appointment to register and one person per family will be allowed in the building unless a translator is needed.
    • Mr. Stroner asked if another Board Meeting in July would be needed.  Dr. Ross said there would not be one at this time.

ITEM 11. – Consent Items – It was moved by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the minutes of the June 29, 2020 Board Meeting, to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports, payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes, to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously.

ITEM 12.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, August 10 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy  Biere, Secretary                                              Beth Van Diest, President      

kbiere@webster… Mon, 09/07/2020 - 09:30

Minutes - 2020.08.10

Minutes - 2020.08.10

August 10, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, August 10, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the agenda with the addition of Action Item K – Approval of Contracts from the Teaching and Learning Department and an addition to Contract Recommendations. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Dr. Ross read comments she had received from McKinley Bailey, Jessica Butterfield-Bailey, and Alyssa Kenville pertaining to Return to School plans.    

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items – Dr. Ross presented the Board with the Return to School presentation which highlighted Planning Cornerstones and the four Learning Models the District could utilize. 

ITEM 6. – Public Hearing on Proposal to Convey 705 Odell Street Property - President Van Diest opened the Public Hearing at 7:17 p.m.  After no objections were heard, President Van Diest closed the Public Hearing at 7:19 p.m. 

ITEM 7. – Action Items -

  1. Resolution for a Conveyance of Real Property –

Director Pruismann introduced the following Resolution and moved that it be adopted.  Director Stroner seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called, and the vote was:

AYES:  Williams, Pruismann, Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest

NAYS:  None

Whereupon, the President declared the resolution duly adopted as follows:


WHEREAS, pursuant to notice published as required by law, the Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District on the 10th day of August, 2020 held a hearing on the proposal to convey an interest in real property and the extent of objections received from residents or property owners as to said proposed transaction has been fully considered; and, accordingly the following action is now considered to be in the best interests of the District and residents thereof:


  1. That the real property described herein shall be conveyed by the District to Riverview Early Childhood Center, Inc. for $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration. 
  2. The Board President and Secretary are authorized to sign all conveyance documents for the real property described herein.
  3. The Board President, Secretary, Superintendent, and administrative officers of the District are authorized to take all actions necessary to complete the above-described transaction, including execution of ancillary documents.
  4. The real property is locally known as 705 Odell Street, and is legally described as follows:

Lots 10 - 14, Block 1, Odell and Wilson's Addition to Webster City, Iowa; and tract adjoining to the north in NW¼ SE¼, Section 32, Township 89 North, Range 25 West of the 5th P.M.

Exact legal description to be determined by abstract.

PASSED AND APPROVED, this 10th day of August, 2020.

  1. Return to Learn –
    1. Face Coverings – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the Board support requiring all staff and students to wear face coverings, recognizing that there will be specific situations when this will not be required, including lunch and breakfast times, and outdoor recess, for example.  Motion carried unanimously. 
    2. Learning Models – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the school year start plans for PK-8 in person and 9-12 4 x 4 Hybrid Learning Models.  Motion carried unanimously. 
    3. Bus Stops – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve there will be no bus stops within the Webster City Schools transportation boundaries, which would be those students living inside Ohio, Superior, Second and Beach Streets, and that students living in this area would need to walk to one of the schools or the scramble to ride on a school bus.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. 2020-2021 Revised School Calendar – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the calendar changes as proposed:  (1) add teacher PD days to the beginning of the year, which removes one day on May 17 and one day after school is out in June; (2) Start with individual orientation conferences in all grades on August 24 and 25;  (3) Start with PK-12 cohorts A and B on August 26 and 27 with a two-hour early dismissal both days to allow small group transitions as students return to school; and (4) Friday, August 28 would be the first full day of classes for PK-8 students, and a full day for 9-12 students in Cohort A.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. 28E Agreement – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the 28E Agreement with Iowa Central Community College.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Iowa Central Project Earlybird Operational Procedures – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Iowa Central Project Earlybird Operational Procedures.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. North Central Consortium Agreement for 2020-2021 – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the North Central Consortium Agreement for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. ESSER Fund Transfer Request – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the ESSER Fund Transfer Request to Food Service and MTCC Daycare.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  7. Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP Quotation – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP Quotation for Webster City MS in the amount of $139,785.00.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  8. FEH Contract – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the FEH Contract for Pleasant View air conditioning plans.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  9. Second Reading of Board Policies:  304.1, Administrative Positions and 308, Succession of Authority to the Superintendent.  Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the second reading of Board Policy 304.1, Administrative Position and 308, Succession of Authority to the Superintendent.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  10. Approval of Contracts from Teaching and Learning Department – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the contract with Mississippi Bend Remote Learning with EdGenuity Consortium, and to approve the consulting agreements with Lori Schouvieller and Carrie Hepburn.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 8. - Personnel

  • Contract Recommendations -   A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the following:
    • Resignations:  Zac Sjoberg, High School 10-Month Secretary; Tanya Jensen, High School Paraeducator; Nelmarinia Chico Gonzalez, Food Service and Tyler Patten, Assistant Varsity Wrestling Coach.
    • Recommendations of:  Michele Chalfant, High School 10-Month Guidance Secretary; Libby Anderson, Assistant 7th Grade Volleyball Coach; Craig Signorin, Assistant Middle School Cross Country; Lead Learner Staff; and Kelly Delaney, High School Attendance Secretary.

ITEM 9. – Other

  1. Items from Dr. Ross –
    • Dr. Ross shared that the Administrative Team and Work Groups have put in countless hours working on Return to School plans, and she thanked them for their hard work and dedication.  Their motto for the school year is “Fluid”.
    • Dr. Ross thanked the Technology Department for their efforts in the roll out of the new MacBooks for the teaching staff.
    • Dr. Ross shared that each building is getting as much air movement as possible with the maximum amount of fresh air without sacrificing heat or AC.
    • Dr. Ross reminded the public that visitors will have limited access to the buildings and is aware parents are nervous about sending their children back to school.  There was discussion regarding a possible video to be done in order to show parents the mitigation plans in action.
    • Dr. Ross mentioned an idea had been brought to her regarding the possibility of Board Members doing a walk through of each building to provide a testimony to the public affirming the District is doing everything possible for the safety of all students. 
  2. Items from the Board – There were none.   

ITEM 10. – Consent Items – It was moved by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2020 Board Meeting, to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports, payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes, to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously.   

ITEM 11.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, August 24 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy  Biere, Secretary                                              Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Mon, 09/07/2020 - 09:34

Minutes - 2020.08.10

Minutes - 2020.08.10

August 10, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, August 10, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa. 

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the agenda with the addition of Action Item K – Approval of Contracts from the Teaching and Learning Department and an addition to Contract Recommendations. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Dr. Ross read comments she had received from McKinley Bailey, Jessica Butterfield-Bailey, and Alyssa Kenville pertaining to Return to School plans.    

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items – Dr. Ross presented the Board with the Return to School presentation which highlighted Planning Cornerstones and the four Learning Models the District could utilize. 

ITEM 6. – Public Hearing on Proposal to Convey 705 Odell Street Property - President Van Diest opened the Public Hearing at 7:17 p.m.  After no objections were heard, President Van Diest closed the Public Hearing at 7:19 p.m. 

ITEM 7. – Action Items -

  1. Resolution for a Conveyance of Real Property –

Director Pruismann introduced the following Resolution and moved that it be adopted.  Director Stroner seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called, and the vote was:

AYES:  Williams, Pruismann, Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest

NAYS:  None

Whereupon, the President declared the resolution duly adopted as follows:


WHEREAS, pursuant to notice published as required by law, the Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District on the 10th day of August, 2020 held a hearing on the proposal to convey an interest in real property and the extent of objections received from residents or property owners as to said proposed transaction has been fully considered; and, accordingly the following action is now considered to be in the best interests of the District and residents thereof:


  1. That the real property described herein shall be conveyed by the District to Riverview Early Childhood Center, Inc. for $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration. 
  2. The Board President and Secretary are authorized to sign all conveyance documents for the real property described herein.
  3. The Board President, Secretary, Superintendent, and administrative officers of the District are authorized to take all actions necessary to complete the above-described transaction, including execution of ancillary documents.
  4. The real property is locally known as 705 Odell Street, and is legally described as follows:

Lots 10 - 14, Block 1, Odell and Wilson's Addition to Webster City, Iowa; and tract adjoining to the north in NW¼ SE¼, Section 32, Township 89 North, Range 25 West of the 5th P.M.

Exact legal description to be determined by abstract.

PASSED AND APPROVED, this 10th day of August, 2020.

  1. Return to Learn –
    1. Face Coverings – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the Board support requiring all staff and students to wear face coverings, recognizing that there will be specific situations when this will not be required, including lunch and breakfast times, and outdoor recess, for example.  Motion carried unanimously. 
    2. Learning Models – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the school year start plans for PK-8 in person and 9-12 4 x 4 Hybrid Learning Models.  Motion carried unanimously. 
    3. Bus Stops – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve there will be no bus stops within the Webster City Schools transportation boundaries, which would be those students living inside Ohio, Superior, Second and Beach Streets, and that students living in this area would need to walk to one of the schools or the scramble to ride on a school bus.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. 2020-2021 Revised School Calendar – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the calendar changes as proposed:  (1) add teacher PD days to the beginning of the year, which removes one day on May 17 and one day after school is out in June; (2) Start with individual orientation conferences in all grades on August 24 and 25;  (3) Start with PK-12 cohorts A and B on August 26 and 27 with a two-hour early dismissal both days to allow small group transitions as students return to school; and (4) Friday, August 28 would be the first full day of classes for PK-8 students, and a full day for 9-12 students in Cohort A.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. 28E Agreement – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the 28E Agreement with Iowa Central Community College.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Iowa Central Project Earlybird Operational Procedures – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Iowa Central Project Earlybird Operational Procedures.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. North Central Consortium Agreement for 2020-2021 – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the North Central Consortium Agreement for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. ESSER Fund Transfer Request – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the ESSER Fund Transfer Request to Food Service and MTCC Daycare.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  7. Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP Quotation – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP Quotation for Webster City MS in the amount of $139,785.00.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  8. FEH Contract – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the FEH Contract for Pleasant View air conditioning plans.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  9. Second Reading of Board Policies:  304.1, Administrative Positions and 308, Succession of Authority to the Superintendent.  Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the second reading of Board Policy 304.1, Administrative Position and 308, Succession of Authority to the Superintendent.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  10. Approval of Contracts from Teaching and Learning Department – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the contract with Mississippi Bend Remote Learning with EdGenuity Consortium, and to approve the consulting agreements with Lori Schouvieller and Carrie Hepburn.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 8. - Personnel

  • Contract Recommendations -   A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the following:
    • Resignations:  Zac Sjoberg, High School 10-Month Secretary; Tanya Jensen, High School Paraeducator; Nelmarinia Chico Gonzalez, Food Service and Tyler Patten, Assistant Varsity Wrestling Coach.
    • Recommendations of:  Michele Chalfant, High School 10-Month Guidance Secretary; Libby Anderson, Assistant 7th Grade Volleyball Coach; Craig Signorin, Assistant Middle School Cross Country; Lead Learner Staff; and Kelly Delaney, High School Attendance Secretary.

ITEM 9. – Other

  1. Items from Dr. Ross –
    • Dr. Ross shared that the Administrative Team and Work Groups have put in countless hours working on Return to School plans, and she thanked them for their hard work and dedication.  Their motto for the school year is “Fluid”.
    • Dr. Ross thanked the Technology Department for their efforts in the roll out of the new MacBooks for the teaching staff.
    • Dr. Ross shared that each building is getting as much air movement as possible with the maximum amount of fresh air without sacrificing heat or AC.
    • Dr. Ross reminded the public that visitors will have limited access to the buildings and is aware parents are nervous about sending their children back to school.  There was discussion regarding a possible video to be done in order to show parents the mitigation plans in action.
    • Dr. Ross mentioned an idea had been brought to her regarding the possibility of Board Members doing a walk through of each building to provide a testimony to the public affirming the District is doing everything possible for the safety of all students.
  2. Items from the Board – There were none. 

ITEM 10. – Consent Items – It was moved by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2020 Board Meeting, to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports, payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes, to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 11.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, August 24 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need. 

Attest:                                                                         Attest: 

Kathy  Biere, Secretary                                                Beth Van Diest, President      

kbiere@webster… Wed, 09/16/2020 - 18:10

Minutes - 2020.08.24

Minutes - 2020.08.24

August 24, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, via ZOOM Meeting, August 24, 2020, in the School Administration Building, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Van Diest, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Pruismann and Ms. Williams.  Also present, via ZOOM, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the agenda with two changes.  Motion carried.

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There was none.

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items

  1. IASB Legislative Resolutions – After some discussion, the Board agreed to present the following legislative resolutions to the Iowa Association of School Boards:
    1. Mental Health
    2. School Funding Policy
    3. Dropout/At Risk
    4. High Speed Internet for all to facilitate remote learning
  2. Fall Activities Update (Joe Shanks) / Requiring Face Coverings at Athletic Events – Joe Shanks, Activities Director went over procedures in place for upcoming sports activities.  Concession stands will be open with a limited menu.  Workers will wear masks and gloves and hand sanitizer will be available.  Activities will be live streamed for those unable to attend in person.  Students will be transported, however, they will be asked to wear masks at all times and only one person per seat.  The weight room is currently closed to everyone but fall athletes.  Mr. Shanks’ recommendation is for everyone attending athletic events be required to wear face coverings.

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Requiring Face Coverings at Athletic Events – A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to require face coverings at all athletic events.  Motion carried.
  2. Education Contract – A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the regular education contract for student services with Ames Community School District.  Motion carried.
  3. YSS Interagency Memorandum of Agreement – A motion was made by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the YSS Interagency Memorandum of Agreement for School-Based Mentoring.  Motion carried.
  4. Fundraising Request – A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the High School Football Team to sell Adrenaline Cards.  Motion carried.

ITEM 7. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations - A motion was made by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the following:
    • Resignations from: Shirley Smith, Part-Time Food Service; Sharon Peterson, Middle School Paraeducator; Adriana Tellez, Sunset Heights Paraeducator; Jose Rivera Albino, High School Night Custodian; and Laura Fisher, Assistant 8th Grade Volleyball Coach.
    • Recommendations of: Mike Keane, Bus Driver; Skylah Woodle, Pre-School Paraeducator; Anne Levongkham, Food Service; Shemika George, Part-Time Food Service; and Teacher Mentor Staff.  Motion carried.

ITEM 8. – Other

  1. Items from the Superintendent
    • Dr. Ross reported teachers were back last week.  Monday, August 24th was the first day of individual orientation conferences.  School starts on Wednesday, August 26th and there will be a two hour early release on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday due to heat concerns.
    • Dr.  Ross presented the Board with a list of remote learners by grade level.  The average is 6.99% of students who have chosen to do remote learning.
    • The Iowa High School Music Association is recommending students  be masked and wind instruments be masked as well.  Rehearsal time should be reduced to 30 minutes per session.
    • The Board was presented with yearbooks from 2019-2020 school year.  The Board congratulated the yearbook staff on a job well done.
    • Dr. Ross reported the District has received the following gifts:
      1. Masks from Dr. Olerich at McFarland Clinic
      2. Masks from RSVP and the Webster City Chamber of Commerce
      3. Hand Sanitizer from Crestview Senior Living
  2. Items from the Board
    • Ms. Van Diest shared a parent information handout she received at orientation.
    • Ms. Williams commented on a new mural at the High School painted by high school student, Chaiah Rootz and congratulated her on a job well done.
    • Ms. Van Diest thanked the staff for all their work getting things ready for the new school year.

ITEM 9. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2020 Board Meeting.  Motion carried.

ITEM 10.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 p.m.  Motion carried, all members present voting aye.

The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.



Cathi Hildebrand, Secretary Pro Tem                           Beth Van Diest, President      

cathi_hildebra… Tue, 08/25/2020 - 12:00

Minutes - 2020.09.14

Minutes - 2020.09.14

September 14, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, September 14, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Patterson (via Zoom), Mr. Stroner, Ms. Williams and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the agenda with three changes.  Motion carried unanimously.    

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items –

  1. IASB Convention – Dr. Ross provided the Board with information regarding the Iowa Association of School Boards Annual Convention which will be held virtually on November 10 and November 17-19, 2020. 
  2. High School Parent-Teacher Conference Change Request – Dr. Ross told the Board the High School is requesting a change in the dates for parent-teacher conferences from October 26 and 28 to September 29 and December 10, which will give teachers and parents an opportunity to visit about a student’s academic progress at midpoint during each of the 9 week semesters for the blocked classes. 

ITEM 6. – Action Items -

  1. Approval of Parent-Teacher Conference Date Change – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the date change for High School Parent-Teacher conferences from October 26 and 28 to September 29 and December 10.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. Teachers Eligible for Lane Change – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the 2020-2021 Teacher Lane Changes.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. Board Delegate for IASB Convention – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve Richard Stroner as the IASB Delegate for the Webster City School Board.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. WCEA and ECESA Seniority Lists – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the WCEA and WCESA Seniority Lists.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. Fundraising Requests – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve fundraising requests for FFA Homecoming T-Shirts, FFA Fruit Sales, FFA Greenhouse Plant Sales; WCHS Spanish Club Butter Braid Sales; and High School Softball/Volleyball Wreath Sales.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. Seesaw Contracts – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Seesaw Contract.  Motion carried unanimously.
  7. Gifts – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to accept the donations toward the purchase of High School Cross Country uniforms and to accept the donation of face masks.

ITEM 8. - Personnel

  • Contract Recommendations -   A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the following:
    • Recommendations of:  Vanessa Lopez, Sunset Heights Paraeducator; Chelsey Wagoner, Assistant 8th Volleyball Coach; and Katie Chamness, Northeast Hamilton Elementary Paraeducator.  Motion carried unanimously.

ITEM 9. – Other

  1. Items from Dr. Ross –
    • Dr. Ross told the Board she has received questions regarding when students, staff and classes might be quarantined.  Dr. Ross said the internal guiding documents used to address those situations will be posted on the District’s website.
    • Dr. Ross said she has received correspondence regarding High School band members kneeling during the national anthem.
    • Dr. Ross told the Board the District has been approved by the USDA to start providing free breakfast and lunch to all students.
  2. Items from the Board –
    • Mr. Stroner asked that Board Members be included in the correspondence to families when they are notified about a COVID case.
    • Mr. Stroner invited band members kneeling during the national anthem to meet with American Legion members.
    • Ms. Williams asked if someone tests positive and quarantines for 14 days, do they have to be tested again. They do not re-test.
    • Mr. Pruismann asked if a student tests positive and the class is quarantined, what happens if there is another positive case in the same classroom at a later date.  The response depends on contact tracing results.

ITEM 10. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the August 24, 2020 Board Meeting, to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports, payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes, to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 11.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner to adjourn the meeting at 6:53 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, September 28 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy  Biere, Secretary                                                Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Wed, 09/16/2020 - 18:05

Minutes - 2020.09.28

Minutes - 2020.09.28

September 28, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, September 28, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the agenda and switch the order of Discussion Items 5C and 5D.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none. 

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items –

  1. COVID Protocols – Lea Ahrens, School Nurse and Cindi Sweedler, School Nurse, reviewed the District’s COVID numbers with the Board and discussed the District’s COVID protocol documents.  Lea and Cindi commended the efforts of students and staff for the all-out efforts dealing with the pandemic. 
  2. Homecoming Update – Dan Johnson, High School Principal, reviewed Homecoming Activities planned for the Week of October 2 – 9. 
  3. Financial Literacy Council of Greater Hamilton County – Dr. Ross shared information she had received regarding the Financial Literacy Council of Greater Hamilton County.
  4. First Reading of Board Policy Series 800, Buildings and Sites – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 800 with the exception of Board Policy 803.2, which had changes and will be brought back later.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Updated Riverview Sale Documents – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson to approve the updated Riverview Sale Documents.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. Disposal of Curriculum Materials – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the disposal of Curriculum materials.  Motion carried unanimously.
  3. AEA Lease Agreement – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the AEA Lease Addendum for 2020-2021.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Morningside Student Teaching and Field Placement Agreement – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Morningside Student Teaching and Field Placement Agreement.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. Special Education Contracts – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Special Education Contracts for student services with Fort Dodge Community School District and Manson Northwest Webster Community School District.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. Special Education Deficit – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the SBRC request for Allowable Growth for the Special Education Deficit for the 2019-2020 school year in the amount of $700,743.36.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  7. 2019-2020 Fixed Asset Disposal – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the 2019-2020 Fixed Asset Disposal list.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  8. Fundraising Requests – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the fundraising requests for Middle School Vocal Music to sell puff pastry items, and for the Elementary PTO to sell cookie dough.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 7. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations -   A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the recommendation of Rubi Ramos, Pleasant View Paraeducator.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 8. – Other

  1. Items from Dr. Ross –
    • Dr. Ross shared that the Governor is holding a press conference on Tuesday morning and the District’s COVID guidance protocols might need to be updated. 
    • Dr. Ross has received concerns regarding the hybrid model being used at the High School and will discuss with High School administration. 
    • Dr. Ross shared that a group of High School Seniors reached out and have suggested some changes to Homecoming activities.    
    • Dr. Ross suggested a work session on Monday, October 26th on the topic of facility planning. 
  2. Items from the Board - Mr. Stroner asked if the District had numbers broken down per building of the students and staff who tested positive and quarantined in the District.   

ITEM 9. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2020 Board Meeting.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 10.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, October 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy  Biere, Secretary                                              Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Sun, 10/04/2020 - 13:28

Minutes - 2020.10.12

Minutes - 2020.10.12

October 12, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, October 12, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.  

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the agenda by adding Action Item F - ICN Contract and tabling a Contract Recommendation.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items –

  1. High School Student Support Update – Mr. Johnson, High School Principal; Mr. Farley, High School Assistant Principal; Ms. Paukert, High School Guidance Counselor; and Ms. Smith, High School Guidance Counselor, discussed supports being offered to high school students.  Those supports focus on (1) academics, giving students an extra 25 minutes a day to focus on the multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), and (2) the social-emotional needs of students, giving them the tools to recognize what is going on and things they can do to help alleviate stress.  Also discussed was the possibility of holding a study table during remote learning days. 
  2. Social Worker – Dr. Ross discussed the possibility of hiring a School Social Worker as a resource for School Counselors to help support staff and students.

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Special Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Special Education Contract for student services with CAM Community School District.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. First Reading of Board Policy 803.2 Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites – Item was tabled until the next meeting.
  3. Second Reading of Board Policy Series 800, Buildings and Sites – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the second reading of Board Policy, Series 800, Buildings and Sites.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Fundraising Request – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the fundraising request for High School Girls Basketball to sell Lynx basketball apparel.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. Competition Gym Advertising LED Board – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Competition Gym Advertising LED Board.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. ICN Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the ICN Contract for increased bandwidth.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 7. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations -   A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the recommendation of Hillary Lang, NEH Elementary Paraeducator; Beth Patterson, High School Guidance Secretary; Abbie Thompson, High School Paraeducator; and Troy Draeger, High School Night Custodian.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 8. – Other -

A.         Items from Dr. Ross –

    • Dr. Ross congratulated the High School Football team on a perfect football season. 
    • Dr. Ross said last week was a beautiful week for Homecoming and was well attended.  Congratulations to the students for a job well done with the Homecoming video.  A big thank you goes out to students, staff and administration for all the work put into making the week a success. 
    • Dr. Ross told the Board, Mitch Dunham, Director of Buildings and Grounds, met with the architect from FEH Design regarding plans for air conditioning at Pleasant View Elementary. 

B          Items from the Board –

    • Mr. Stroner said if the High School was interested in using the Legion for study table space on remote learning days, the Legion’s internet bandwidth may need to be increased.

ITEM 9. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2020 Board Meeting, to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports, payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes, to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 10.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, October 26 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                               Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President      

kbiere@webster… Mon, 10/19/2020 - 08:58

Minutes - 2020.10.26

Minutes - 2020.10.26

October 26, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, October 26, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa. 

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the agenda with personnel changes.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Dr. Ross read an email from Amy Shannon regarding when high school students would return to school full time.

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items –

  1. 2020 Certified Enrollment - Dr. Ross informed the Board the 2020 Certified Enrollment is down 31 resident students.
  2. COVID Mitigation Update – Dr. Ross gave the Board a COVID mitigation update.  Daily monitoring of staff is taking place with each staff member recording their temperature and answering a series of health questions.  In each elementary building, mitigation steps include masks or face coverings, social distancing, practicing hand hygiene routines and enhancing mask practices at lunch and recess.  The Middle School and High School mitigation steps include masks or face coverings, social distancing, practicing hand hygiene routines, enhancing mask practices at lunch and locker routines.  The High School is also addressing social emotional issues and has added study tables on alternate days. 

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Four Year Old Preschool Budgets – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Four Year-Old Preschool Budgets for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. Gifts – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the gift of laundry soap from Rotary After Hours and Noon Rotary groups, and tables from Joe Shanks.  Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Seidlitz Education Service Contract – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Seidlitz Education Service Contract for professional development.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Allen College Memorandum of Agreement – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Allen College Memorandum of Agreement for student nurses.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. CICS Water Bottle Fill Station Grant – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the CICS Water Bottle Fill Station Grant for the Middle School for 2 stations.  Motion carried unanimously.
  6. First Reading of Board Policy 803.2 Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the first reading of Board Policy 803.2 Lease, Sale of Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  7. Fundraising Request – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the fundraising request of NEH Elementary for a monthly fundraiser with Kona Ice.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 7. – Personnel – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the following:

  1. Contract Resignation of:  Erica Whittier, Paraeducator
  2. Contract Recommendations of:  Karen Daniels, Elaine Robertson, Craig Signorin, Emily Sletten and Brandy Williams, TLC Site-Based Council; and Edgar Perez Raymundo, Paraeducator. 

Motion carried unanimously.

ITEM 8. – Other -

A.         Items from Dr. Ross –

    • Dr. Ross informed the Board the District has 5 fewer elementary students in remote learning, 13 fewer at the Middle School, and 8 fewer at the High School.
    • Dr. Ross asked the Board to let her know if they would like to do a walk through of the High School.
    • Dr. Ross told the Board there will be an Informal Board Meeting with Stratford Community School on Monday, November 9 at 5:00 p.m. in Webster City.  Beth Van Diest and Eric Patterson will represent the Board at the meeting.
    • Dr. Ross told the Board Van Diest Medical Center has received 600 quick COVID tests.  Lea Ahrens, School Nurse, and Cindi Sweedler, School Nurse, will have updated protocols forthcoming.   

B          Items from the Board –

    • Mr. Stroner discussed the cost of live streaming the playoff football games and asked if the Board supported signing a letter of disapproval of IHSAA charges to do so during a pandemic. 
    • Mr. Pruismann asked if blue ray glasses were available to students to wear when using technology devices.  He will come back with research about these.
    • Ms. Williams asked about the different format for parent teacher conferences. 

ITEM 9. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2020 Board Meeting.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 10.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

The Board moved into a work session on facilities.

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, November 9, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                               Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Thu, 11/12/2020 - 16:42

Minutes - 2020.11.09

Minutes - 2020.11.09

November 9, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, November 9, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – Annual Meeting

Kathy Biere, Board Secretary, took over the meeting. 

A.  Election of President and Vice President – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to nominate Beth Van Diest for School Board President.  Motion carried.  Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Van Diest, to nominate Eric Patterson for School Board Vice President.  Motion carried. 

B.  Administration of Oath of Office to newly Elected President and Vice President – Kathy Biere, School Board Secretary, administered the oath of office to newly elected School Board President Beth Van Diest and newly elected School Board Vice President, Eric Patterson.

President Van Diest took over the meeting. 

C.  Establish Meeting Dates, Time and Location – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve Board Meeting dates as the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the School Administration Office Board Room and to note that Board Meetings are subject to change upon need.  Motion carried. 

D.  Name Official Publication – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Daily Freeman Journal as Official Publication.  Motion carried. 

E.  Designation of Legal Counsel – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to appoint Ahlers Law Firm as legal counsel for the Webster City Community School District.  Motion carried. 

F.  Designation of Financial Depositories – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams to approve the Designation of Financial Depositories and Limits for District Funds as follows:  ISJIT - $10,000,000; First State Bank - $8,000,000; Availa Bank - $8,000,000; and WCF Financial Bank - $8,000,000.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 6.  Webster City High School Yearbook Awards – Michele Veldhuizen, Yearbook Advisor; Erin Bailey, Yearbook Committee Member; and Leah Kasch, Yearbook Committee Member; gave a presentation to the Board on awards the 2020 High School Yearbook won. 

ITEM 7. – Action Items

A.  Board Work Session Facilities Priority List – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the list of facilities projects to guide the work of staff.  Motion carried unanimously. 

B.  High School Options – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to direct the Superintendent to begin working with FEH Design to provide direction to the Board regarding updating or new construction at Webster City High School.  Motion carried unanimously. 

C.  Sale of Rental House – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to direct the Superintendent to begin the process to sell the rental house in Blairsburg as it stands or have it moved off the property.  Motion carried unanimously. 

D.  Debt Service General Obligation Bond Interest Payment – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the Debt Service General Obligation Bond Interest Payment in the amount of $167,005.54.  Motion carried. 

E. Resolution to Consider Continued Participation in the Instructional Support Program - Director Pruismann introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption.  Director Williams seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called, and the vote was:


Williams, Pruismann, Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest



The President declared the Resolution adopted as follows:


WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that to continue the current level of services and to fund the ongoing programs of the School District, continuation of participation in the Instructional Support Program for a period of five years is necessary and in the best interests of the District and its residents and students; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors wishes to consider continued participation in the Instructional Support Program as provided in Sections 257.18 through 257.21, Code of Iowa; and

WHEREAS, the authorization for the current Instructional Support Program will expire on June 30, 2021; and

WHEREAS, this Resolution sets forth the proposal of the Board of Directors, including the method that will be used to fund the program; and

WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of a public hearing must be published:

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved:

  1. The Board of Directors wishes to consider continued participation in the Instructional Support Program as provided in Sections 257.18 through 257.21, Code of Iowa, for a period of five years, commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.
  2. The additional funding for the Instructional Support Program for a budget year shall be determined annually and shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total regular program district cost for the budget year and moneys received under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa, as a budget adjustment for the budget year.
  3. Moneys received by the District for the Instructional Support Program may be used for any general fund purpose.
  4. The Instructional Support Program shall be funded by instructional support state aid and a combination instructional support property tax levied annually upon the taxable property within the School District commencing with the levy of property taxes for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, and an instructional support income surtax imposed annually, the percent of income surtax to be determined by the Board for each budget year to be imposed upon the state individual income tax of each individual income taxpayer resident in the School District on December 31, 2021, and each year thereafter.
  5. The Secretary is authorized and directed to give notice of a public hearing to be held in the Administration Office Board Room, 820 Des Moines Street, Webster City, Iowa, on December 14, 2020, 6:00 P.M.
  6. Following the public hearing the Board intends to take action on the question whether to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program.

F.  School Budget Review Committee Request for Modified Allowable Growth for Open Enrolled out Not in Fall 2019 – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the School Budget Review Committee Request for Modified Allowable Growth for Open Enrolled out Not in Fall 2019 in the amount of $92,880.  Motion carried. 

G.  School Budget Review Committee Request for Modified Allowable Growth for ELL Beyond 5 Years – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the School Budget Review Committee Request for Modified Allowable Growth for ELL Beyond 5 Years in the amount of $113,255.  Motion carried. 

H.  Gift(s) – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the monetary donation from Theresa Stromberg-Murphy, Terracon, to purchase equipment and supplies for the WC Rockery Club.  Motion carried. 

I.  Varsity Group Advertising/Equipment Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the Varsity Group Advertising/Equipment contract for advertising, revenue sharing, and installation.  Motion carried. 

J.  General Education Contract – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approved the General Education contract for student services with the Mason City Community School District.  Motion carried. 

K.  Second Reading of Board Policy 803.2 Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the second reading of Board Policy 803.2 Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites.  Motion carried. 

L.  Fundraising Request – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the fundraising request for the High School Student Council to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 8. – Personnel – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the following: 

  1. Contract Resignation of:  Dave Hilton, Head 8th Girls Basketball Coach (One-Year Sabbatical); Travis Hurt, High School Custodian
  2. Contract Recommendations of:  Carson Hartnett, Assistant Wrestling Coach; Craig Signorin, transfer from Assistant 8th Girls Basketball to Head 8th Girls Basketball Coach (One-Year Contract); Kayleigh Epps, Assistant 8th Girls Basketball Coach (One-Year Contract).

Motion carried. 

ITEM 9. – Other -

A.         Items from Dr. Ross –

    • Dr. Ross congratulated Coach Howard and the football team on a great season.
    • Dr. Ross thanked community donors for providing 170 tickets for students to attend last Friday night’s football game.
    • Dr. Ross informed the Board the District received a refund check in the amount of $4,364 from the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool for participation during the 2019-2020 school year. 
    • Dr. Ross told the Board she was meeting the Public Health and the School Nurses November 10th to assess the increase in COVID numbers.
    • Dr. Ross told the Board Iowa Central Community College might be going virtual for the remainder of the semester. 
    • Dr. Ross discussed the Timberline Data Breach and said the District is looking for ways to inform families. 
    • Dr. Ross acknowledged Mr. Stroner and all veterans in honor of Veteran’s Day and thanked them for their service. 

B          Items from the Board –

    • Mr. Stroner asked Dr. Ross to look into the District’s legal standpoint regarding visitors to athletic events and the District’s mask policy. 
    • Mr. Patterson, Ms. Van Diest and Dr. Ross discussed the Informal Board Meeting held with Stratford Community School prior to tonight’s board meeting.  Topics discussed were:  enrollment, instructional delivery, snow days, daycare centers, transportation and the electronic backpack.
    • Mr. Stroner asked how the sharing agreement with Stratford was working.

ITEM 10. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2020 Board Meeting, to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports, payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes, to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 11.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m.  Motion carried. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, November 23, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                               Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Thu, 11/12/2020 - 16:45

Minutes - 2020.11.13

Minutes - 2020.11.13

November 13, 2020 

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in special session, November 13, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. 

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner (via Zoom), Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Dr. Ross read an email sent by Michelle Casady advocating for high school students to return to 100% in-person learning, and an email from Katy Groth-Bernard advocating for the District to move to virtual schooling until the viral peak significantly declines. 

Dr. Ross discussed the factors that went into her decision to recommend to the Board that the District continue the current delivery model, but stated families should prepare to go hybrid or remote and be able to make the change quickly should the situation warrant.  The District will try to provide families and staff a 24-48 hour notice of a change in instruction.  Efforts would be made to have classrooms, grade levels, or buildings move to hybrid or remote before moving the entire District to an alternate delivery model.  The Board reviewed and discussed the data and other information that was provided.    

ITEM 5. – Action Items

  1. Current Instructional Delivery Model – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve continuing the K-8 in-person instruction and 9-12 hybrid instruction models at this time.  Motion carried unanimously

ITEM 6. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to adjourn the meeting at 4:25 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, November 23 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President      

kbiere@webster… Sat, 11/14/2020 - 15:26

Minutes - 2020.11.23

Minutes - 2020.11.23

November 23, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, November 23, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann (via Zoom), Mr. Stroner (via Zoom), Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items

  1. COVID Update - Dr. Ross presented an update to the Board on the rising COVID rates in the District and in Hamilton County.  Due to the high number of students and staff in quarantine, Dr. Ross recommended moving to required remote learning from November 30 through December 11. 
  2. High School Letter Grades and Survey Data – Dan Johnson, High School Principal, and Pat Farley, Assistant High School Principal, presented an update of letter grades issued at 9 weeks and the results from a survey sent out to students and parents at the High School. 

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Instructional Delivery Model – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the application of a waiver for required remote learning from November 30 – December 11, 2020.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  2. Early Retirement Plan – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the 2020-2021 Early Retirement Plan.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. Seidlitz Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Seidlitz Education Service Contract for professional development.  Motion carried unanimously.    

ITEM 7. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendation – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve Daneyra Cruz, Sunset Heights Paraeducator.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 8. – Other

  1.  Dr. Ross reminded families there would be meals available to be picked up at the Middle School and Northeast Hamilton Elementary on November 30 and December 3 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  2. There were no comments from the Board.

ITEM 9. – Consent Items

  1. Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the minutes of the November 9 and November 13, 2020 minutes.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 10. – Adjournment – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, December 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                          Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                                Beth Van Diest, President         

kbiere@webster… Sun, 11/29/2020 - 13:28

Minutes - 2020.12.14

Minutes - 2020.12.14

December 14, 2020 

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, December 14, 2020, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the agenda by adding Access Systems Agreement to the Action Items.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Dr. Ross read an email sent by Amy and Dave Shannon regarding high school students needing to be in school in person, every day at the High School.  The email also mentioned when a motion is being made by the Board, and when asking for all those in favor, the Board should also be asking for all those opposed. 

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items

A.  COVID Update –

  1. Joe Shanks, Activities Director, gave the Board an update on the mitigation efforts taking place at High School athletic events.  Those efforts include:  only using the west entrance to the competition gym; two attendees per coach/participant; no one will be allowed in the gym until 15 minutes prior to the event start time; and the gym will be cleared when each event is over.  Mr. Shanks also mentioned events will be streamed on YouTube. 
  2. Lea Ahrens and Cindi Sweedler, School Nurses, will be updating holiday travel practices and sharing the information with staff. 
  3. Dr. Ross told the Board vaccinations for staff could be available late January/early February and that a google form will go out to staff for their input.

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Snow Day Operations – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve snow day operations.  Motion carried. 
  2. Hearing on Proposed Resolution – President Van Diest opened the hearing at 6:47 p.m. and announced this was the time, place and date to hold a hearing on the proposed Resolution to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program.  The following persons appeared:  none.   After hearing no comments from the audience, President Van Diest declared the hearing closed at 6:49 p.m.
  3. Resolution to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program – Director Pruismann introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption.  Director Williams seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called, and the vote was:

AYES:  Williams, Pruismann, Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest

NAYS:  None

The President declared the Resolution adopted as follows:


WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that to continue the current level of services and to fund the ongoing programs of the School District, continuation of participation in the Instructional Support Program for a period of five years is necessary and in the best interests of the District and its residents and students; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has given consideration to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program as provided in Sections 257.18 through 257.21, Code of Iowa; and

WHEREAS, the Board has published notice of the time and place of a public hearing on the Resolution; and

WHEREAS, a hearing has been held upon the proposal to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program and any objections are overruled:


  1. The Board of Directors determines that it is consistent with the five year finance plan to fund the ongoing programs and services of the School District and it is in the best interest of the School District to continue participation in an Instructional Support Program as provided in Sections 257.18 through 257.21, Code of Iowa, and to provide additional funding therefor for a period of five (5) years commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.
  2. The additional funding for the Instructional Support Program for a budget year will be determined annually and will not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total regular program district cost for the budget year and moneys received under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa, as a budget adjustment for the budget year.
  3. Moneys received by the District for the Instructional Support Program may be used for any general fund purpose.
  4. The Instructional Support Program shall be funded by instructional support state aid and a combination instructional support property tax levied annually upon the taxable property within the School District commencing with the levy of property taxes for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, and an instructional support income surtax imposed annually, the percent of income surtax to be determined by the Board for each budget year to be imposed upon the state individual income tax of each individual income taxpayer resident in the School District on December 31, 2021, and each year thereafter.
  5. Unless, within twenty-eight days following the adoption of this Resolution, the Secretary of the Board receives a petition containing the signatures of eligible electors equal in number to not less than one hundred or thirty percent of the number of voters at the last preceding regular school election, whichever is greater, asking that an election be called to approve or disapprove this action of the Board adopting the Instructional Support Program, this action of the Board is final and the Secretary is authorized and directed to certify a copy of this Resolution to the Department of Management.

In the event a petition containing the required number of signatures is filed with the Secretary of the Board within twenty-eight days of the adoption of this Resolution, the President shall call a meeting of the Board to consider rescission of this Resolution, or to direct the county commissioner of elections to submit the following question to the qualified electors of the School District at a special election.

If the Board determines to submit the question to the electors, the proposition to be submitted shall be as follows:

Shall the Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District, in the Counties of Hamilton, Webster, and Wright, State of Iowa, be authorized for a period of five (5) years to continue to levy and impose an instructional support tax in an amount (after taking into consideration instructional support state aid) of not exceeding ten percent (10%) of the total of regular program district cost for the budget year and moneys received under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa, as a budget adjustment in the budget year, and be authorized annually, in combination, as determined by the Board, to levy an instructional support property tax upon all the taxable property within the School District commencing with the levy of property taxes for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, and to impose an instructional support income surtax upon the state individual income tax of each individual income taxpayer resident in the School District on December 31 for each calendar year commencing with calendar year 2021, or each year thereafter, the percent of income surtax to be determined by the Board for each fiscal year, to be used for any general fund purpose?

  1. Bond Interest Payment – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the bond interest payment in the amount of $16,031.25.  Motion carried. 
  2. Nurse Stipend – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the one-time stipend for Lea Ahrens and Cindi Sweedler for the contact tracing work done this year.  Motion carried. 
  3. Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the Natural Gas Participation Agreement.  Motion carried. 
  4. Special Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Special Education Contracts for student services with Des Moines Community School District.  Motion carried. 
  5. Access Systems Agreement – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Access Systems Agreement.  Motion carried. 

Item 7. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the early retirement application and resignation of Mindy Mossman, Pleasant View Elementary Principal.  Motion carried. 

Item 8. – Other

A.  Items from the Superintendent –

  1. Dr. Ross told the Board she has been getting emails regarding the District’s COVID dashboard.  The numbers reported on the dashboard come from the School Nurses and it would be hard to include the number recovered as those numbers are not part of the District’s tracking process.
  2. Dr. Ross told the Board the CDC guidance regarding travel has changed and the District will be updating its practices.
  3. Dr. Ross reminded everyone to try and avoid gatherings at Christmas and she wished everyone Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas. 

B.  Items from the Board –

  1. Mr. Patterson stated he was glad students were back to in-person learning
  2. Mr. Stroner asked what would determine the learning model after the holidays. 
  3. Ms. Williams asked when the second semester started. 

ITEM 9. – Consent Items - It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the November 23, 2020 Board Meeting, to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports, payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes, to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 10. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, January 11, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                               Beth Van Diest, President      

kbiere@webster… Tue, 12/15/2020 - 12:33

Minutes - 2021.01.11

Minutes - 2021.01.11

January 11, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, January 11, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the agenda. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Dr. Ross received comments from 22 people.  Those who asked that their comments be read at the Board table were:  John Symens, Nikki Kumm, Peggy Lyons Lovelace, Carrie Rabe, Lynn McKinney, Amy Shannon, Kasie Doering, Jennifer Brim, Ben Rahe and Zach Klaver who all voiced concerns regarding the 4 x 4 hybrid model of learning and want the high school students back in school full time. 

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items

  1. COVID Update –
    1. Joe Shanks, Activities Director, updated the Board on winter spectator protocols.

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. High School Hybrid Learning – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to support expanding in-person learning at the high school using the 4 x 4 schedule while requiring social distancing options that were previously unavailable.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  2. FEH High School Study Proposal – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the FEH High School proposal to study the renovation or new construction at Webster City High School.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. FFCRA Leave – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve discontinuation of FFCRA leave with the exception that those who have not previously used the leave be allowed to use it for COVID related absence.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Johnson Controls Contract – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Johnson Controls Contract for the Middle School systems upgrade.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. Verizon Wireless Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Verizon Wireless Contract for the distance learning data plan.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. FEH Addendum – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the FEH Addendum to include Sunset Heights to the current Pleasant View HVAC Proposal.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  7. Daycare Retention Incentive – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Daycare Retention Incentive with the knowledge it will be reviewed after 18 months.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  8. School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Modified Allowable Growth for At-Risk/Drop Out Prevention – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the SBRC Modified Allowable Growth request for At-Risk/Drop Out Prevention in the amount of $613, 524.00.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  9. Negotiation Teams for WCEA and WCESA – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve Mr. Stroner and Ms. Van Diest to be on the WCEA Negotiations Team and Mr. Pruismann and Mr. Patterson to be on the WCESA Negotiations Team.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  10. Special Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Special Education Contract for student services with Dubuque Community School District.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Item 7. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the early retirement application and resignation of Mel Cramer, High School Foreign Language; and Pam Ryan, High School Social Studies.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Item 8. – Other

  1. Items from the Superintendent – There were none.
  2. Items from the Board –
  1. Ms. Van Diest wished to congratulate the high school wrestling team on winning the Dick Kennedy Dual.
  2. Mr. Stroner asked if wrestling and basketball games were live streamed.

ITEM 9. – Consent Items - It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2020 Board Meeting, to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports, payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes, to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously.

ITEM 10. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Following the regular board meeting, the Board went into a work session on Enrollment where no action was taken.

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, January 25, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                          Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                                Beth Van Diest, President         

kbiere@webster… Tue, 01/12/2021 - 13:22

Minutes - 2021.01.25

Minutes - 2021.01.25

January 25, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, January 25, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams (via Zoom), Mr. Stroner, Mr. Pruismann (via Zoom), Mr. Patterson (via Zoom) and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Dr. Ross read an emails from:

  1. LuAnn Garvey advocating for Webster City High School teachers
  2. High School Staff expressing their disappointment in the lack of support at the January 11 board meeting
  3. Dr. Ross commending the efforts of staff for their hard work and accomplishments

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items –

  1. FIRST LEGO League Update – Mark Murphy, Director of Technology, recognized the District’s FIRST LEGO League teams competing in a virtual FLL Regional Qualifier event.  The Lynx in Motion team, consisting of middle school students Owen Anderson, Evie Davis, Zeke Doolittle, Gaven Holmstrom, Brooklyn Neddereyer, Malachi Streigle, Tristan Tusing and Ben Youngdale received several awards.  Coach Julie Pagel received the Regional Coaches Award.   
  2. High School Learning Update – Dan Johnson, High School Principal, reported that the first day of in-person instruction went well with the help and support of many staff to make it happen. 
  3. High School Study Discussion – Tyler Riley with FEH Design explained that they are preparing three options for High School renovation or new construction for Board discussion.  Those options include:  remodel existing building, build new and tear down old building while leaving competition gym, or build new and tear down old building while leaving competition gym and auditorium.

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Loan Against SAVE for Elementary Air Conditioning Projects – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve directing staff to proceed with plans to borrow against SAVE to allow the Pleasant View and Sunset Heights air conditioning projects to happen simultaneously and to have information made available regarding a five year loan vs a four or nine year loan.  Motion carried.     
  2. Fundraising Requests – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the fundraising requests of the High School cheerleaders to sell Thirty-One products, Webster City Middle School to host a monthly visit from Kona Ice, and for the High School Vocal Boosters to sell singing Valentines.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 7. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the resignation of Linda Jansen, High School Special Education teacher, and the salary recommendations for Mighty Trojan Childcare staff members Abbey Pruismann and Lynnea Loughry.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 8. – Other -

  1. Items from Dr. Ross –
  1. Dr. Ross thanked the high school staff for making in-person learning happen and Iowa Central Community College for the use of classrooms. 
  2. Dr. Ross alerted the Board and public about a fast-tracked bill in the Iowa legislature that would allow vouchers for non-public schools and take away resources from public schools.  She encouraged everyone to reach out to their legislators immediately. 
  1. Items from the Board -
  1. Ms. Williams wanted staff to know that she read all the responses from the High School prior to the Board vote on January 11.  She hoped the first day of in-person learning went well and thanked staff as they have done a fantastic job dealing with COVID.  
  2. Ms. Van Diest said she appreciated everything the staff and students have done during this difficult time.

ITEM 9. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the January 11, 2021 Board Meeting.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 10.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 p.m.  Motion carried. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, February 8 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                           Attest:

Kathy  Biere, Secretary                                                Beth Van Diest, President      

kbiere@webster… Tue, 02/09/2021 - 10:27

Minutes - 2021.02.08

Minutes - 2021.02.08

February 8, 2021 

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, February 8, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams (via Zoom), Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the agenda with the addition of Item F – Access Systems Contract Amendment.  Motion carried.    

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Dr. Ross read a comment from Ben Rahe saying his family was appreciative of returning to school in person. 

ITEM 5. – Action Items

  1. Seidlitz Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Seidlitz Education service contract for professional development for the High School.  Motion carried. 
  2. Loan Against SAVE Option – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the five year loan against SAVE option.  Motion carried. 
  3. Iowa Central Clinical Placement Agreement – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Iowa Central Clinical Placement Agreement.  Motion carried. 
  4. Special Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Special Education contract for student services with Iowa Falls-Alden Community School District for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried. 
  5. Fundraising Request – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the fundraising request for the High School Yearbook students to sell Yearbook advertisements.  Motion carried. 

Item 6. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the resignation of Kevin Bahrenfuss, Concessions Manager; and to approve the contracts of Jess Miller, High School Night Custodian, and Heidi Barrick, Assistant High School Cross Country for the 2021-2022 season.  Motion carried. 

Item 7. – Other

  1. Items from the Superintendent –
  1. Dr. Ross gave an update regarding staff COVID vaccinations.  Staff is broken into three tiers.  Tier 1 consists of staff with underlying health conditions and those 65 and older; Tier 2 consists of staff who work with students who cannot wear masks; and Tier 3 includes everyone else. 
  2. Dr. Ross updated the Board on the number of remote learners.
  3. Dr. Ross indicated there will be no changes to the mask requirements and safety protocols for the District.
  4. Dr. Ross told the Board there were 20 applicants for the Pleasant View principal position and interviews with take place the evening of February 23, 2020.  Dr. Ross hopes to bring a contract recommendation to the Board on March 8th
  5. Dr. Ross said the Pleasant View and Sunset air conditioning projects will bid April 22, contracts will be awarded May 1, with construction anticipated to being June 1. 
  1. Items from the Board –
  1. Mr. Stroner commented it would be a good idea to not have all teachers receive the second vaccination on the same day in case of a reaction.   

ITEM 8. – Consent Items - It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the January 25, 2021 Board Meeting; to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports; to approve payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes; and to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 9. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 6:23 p.m.  Motion carried.

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, February 22, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                               Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President         

kbiere@webster… Tue, 02/09/2021 - 10:29

Minutes - 2021.02.22

Minutes - 2021.02.22

February 22, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, February 22, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams (via Zoom), Mr. Stroner, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Patterson and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – WCEA Initial Proposal – Trish Bahrenfuss, WCEA Chief Negotiator, presented the Board with the initial proposal from the Webster City Education Association for 2021-2022.  The Association is asking for a salary increase of 5.11% and for the contract to be in effect from July 1, 2021 through June 20, 2022.  

ITEM 6. – WCESA Initial Proposal – Dr. Ross presented the Board with the initial bargaining proposal from the Webster City Educational Services Association.  The Association is asking for all salary schedules to increase by $0.75 on base for Food Service, Secretary, Paraeducators, and Custodial, and Bus Drivers to increase by $75.00 with all employees advancing a step for 2021-2022. 

ITEM 7. – Discussion Items –

  1. Elementary Enrollment Planning – Northeast Hamilton Elementary Principal, Jessica Hector; Pleasant View Elementary Principal, Mindy Mossman; and Sunset Heights Elementary Principal, Kelli Reis, updated the Board on elementary enrollment processes for the 2021-2022 school year.  The District’s goal is to utilize all three elementary centers to their maximum potential by balancing enrollment in each building.  Information will be shared with families at parent-teacher conferences as well as area businesses and social media about how they can indicate their preferred attendance center for the next school year for students in PK-3.  However, families are not guaranteed to get their choice.

ITEM 8. – Action Items

  1. Resolution Fixing Date for a Hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $1,920,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds – Director Stroner introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption.  Director Patterson seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called, and the vote was:

AYES:  Williams, Stroner, Pruismann, Patterson, Van Diest

NAYS:  None

The President declared the Resolution adopted as follows:


WHEREAS, the School District receives revenue from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund ("SAVE Revenue") pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 423F and an election duly held in accordance therewith on April 3, 2018 approving a revenue purpose statement (the "Revenue Purpose Statement"), the Board of Directors is currently entitled to spend SAVE Revenue for school infrastructure purposes; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in need of funds for the following school infrastructure project(s): to remodel, repair and improve its existing Pleasant View Elementary and Sunset Heights Elementary buildings, including HVAC and related improvements, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary and advisable that the District issue School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, in the approximate amount of $1,920,000 for the purpose of providing funds to remodel, repair and improve its existing Pleasant View Elementary and Sunset Heights Elementary buildings, including HVAC and related improvements, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser.  Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement; and

WHEREAS, before said Bonds may be issued, it is necessary to comply with the provisions of Iowa Code Section 423F.4, and to publish a notice of the time and place of the public hearing on the proposal to issue such Bonds; and

WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of a public hearing must be published not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the public hearing in a newspaper having general circulation in the District:

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved:

  1. A public hearing will be held in the School Administration Office, 820 Des Moines Street, Webster City, Iowa 50595, on March 8, 2021, at 6:00 P.M., on the proposal to issue approximately $1,920,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, for the purpose of providing funds to remodel, repair and improve its existing Pleasant View Elementary and Sunset Heights Elementary buildings, including HVAC and related improvements, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser.  Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement.
  2. The Secretary is authorized and directed to publish notice of this public hearing in a newspaper having general circulation in the School District.  Such publication will be made not less than ten nor more than twenty days ahead of the hearing date, and be in substantially the following form:


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District, in the Counties of Hamilton, Webster, and Wright, State of Iowa, will hold a public hearing upon its proposed issuance of approximately $1,920,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years, pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, for the purpose of providing funds to remodel, repair and improve its existing Pleasant View Elementary and Sunset Heights Elementary buildings, including HVAC and related improvements, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser.  Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement.

The hearing will be held in the School Administration Office, 820 Des Moines Street, Webster City, Iowa 50595, on March 8, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.

  1. Piper Sandler Engagement Letter – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Piper Sandler Engagement Letter.  Motion carried. 
  2. Ahlers Cooney Engagement Letter – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Ahlers Cooney Engagement Letter.  Motion carried. 
  3. Special Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Special Education Contract with South Hamilton Community School District.  Motion carried. 
  4. 2021 America’s Farmers Grow Communities Organization Letter of Agreement – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the 2021 America’s Farmers Grow Communities Organization Letter of Agreement.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 9. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the following: 
  • Resignations of Tyler Mosbach, Head 7th Boys Track Coach; and Jessica Bailey, 9th Grade Girls Volleyball Coach
  • Contracts of Derek Turner, Head 7th Boys Track Coach; and Tyler Mosbach, Assistant Varsity Boys Track Coach

Motion carried.   

ITEM 10. – Other -

  1. Items from Dr. Ross –
  1. Dr. Ross has received input from staff regarding the 2021-2022 school calendar and those responses will be shared at the March 8 Board meeting. 
  2. Dr. Ross shared that the Legislature has set SSA (Student Supplemental Aid) at 2.4% for the 2021-2022 school year. 
  3. Dr. Ross told the Board it is Public Schools Recognition Week and that all Webster City School staff should be celebrated. 

B.Items from the Board -

  1. Mr. Stroner congratulated the three Webster City High School wrestlers who made it to state and thanked them for their efforts.
  2. Mr. Pruismann informed the Board there was a water main break near NEH Elementary last week.
  3. Ms. Van Diest told the Board she attended the Hamilton County Childcare Coalition meeting, which is involved in long term planning to fund the childcare crisis in Hamilton County.   

ITEM 11. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2021 Board Meeting.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 12.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 6:43 p.m.  Motion carried. 

The Board went into Exempt Session to discuss negotiations strategy.

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, March 8 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                          Attest: 

Kathy  Biere, Secretary                                                 Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Wed, 02/24/2021 - 14:44

Minutes - 2021.03.08

Minutes - 2021.03.08

March 8, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, March 8, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – None received.

Dr. Ross introduced Tiffany McConnelee, who is being recommended for the Pleasant View Elementary Principal for 2021-2022. 

ITEM 5. – Hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $1,920,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds – President Van Diest opened the Public Hearing at 6:02 p.m.  After no objections, President Van Diest closed the Public Hearing at 6:04 p.m. 

ITEM 6. – Discussion Items

  1. Prom plans (Dan Johnson and Marta Paukert) – Marta Paukert and Dan Johnson shared plans for prom to be held at the Hamilton County Show Arena at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 17, 2021.  COVID-19 procedures will be in place. 

ITEM 7. – Action Items

  1. Resolution Supporting the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $1,920,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds

The President of the Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District (the "School District") announced that this is the time, place and date to hold a hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $1,920,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds.  The following persons appeared:


The President declared the hearing closed.

Director Stroner introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption.  Director Pruismann seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called, and the vote was:


Williams, Pruismann, Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest



The President declared the Resolution adopted as follows:


WHEREAS, the School District receives revenue from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund ("SAVE Revenue") pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 423F and an election duly held in accordance therewith on April 3, 2018 approving a revenue purpose statement (the "Revenue Purpose Statement"), the Board of Directors is currently entitled to spend SAVE Revenue for school infrastructure purposes; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in need of funds for the following school infrastructure project(s): to remodel, repair and improve its existing Pleasant View Elementary and Sunset Heights Elementary buildings, including HVAC and related improvements, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary and advisable that the District issue School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, in the approximate amount of $1,920,000 for the purpose of providing funds to remodel, repair and improve its existing Pleasant View Elementary and Sunset Heights Elementary buildings, including HVAC and related improvements, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser.  Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has complied with the provisions of Iowa Code Section 423F.4 by providing notice and holding a public hearing on the proposal to issue such Bonds:

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved:

  1. The Board of Directors supports the proposal to issue approximately $1,920,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, for the purpose of providing funds to remodel, repair and improve its existing Pleasant View Elementary and Sunset Heights Elementary buildings, including HVAC and related improvements, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser.  Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement.
  2. Eligible electors of the school district have the right to file with the Board Secretary a petition pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.4(2)(b), on or before close of business on March 22, 2021, for an election on the proposed bond issuance.  The petition must be signed by eligible electors equal in number to not less than one hundred or thirty percent of those voting at the last preceding election of school officials under Iowa Code Section 277.1, whichever is greater.
  3. In the event a petition containing the required number of valid signatures is filed with the Secretary of the Board on or before close of business on March 22, 2021, the President shall call a meeting of the Board to consider withdrawing the proposed Bond issuance, or directing that the question of the proposed Bond issuance be submitted to the qualified electors of the School District.

If the Board determines to submit the question to the electors, the proposition to be submitted shall be as follows:

Shall the Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the Counties of Hamilton, Webster, and Wright, State of Iowa, be authorized to issue approximately $1,920,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, in the approximate amount of $1,920,000 for the purpose of providing funds to remodel, repair and improve its existing Pleasant View Elementary and Sunset Heights Elementary buildings, including HVAC and related improvements, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser; with any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement?

PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of March, 2021.

  1. 2021-2022 School Calendar – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the 2021-2022 School Calendar.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. Board’s Initial Proposal to WCEA – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Board’s initial proposal to WCEA which reflects a 2.48% total package increase and one year contract, with language openers for 2022-2023, as needed or desired.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. Board’s Initial Proposal to WCESA – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the Board’s initial proposal to WCESA which reflects a 3.26% total package increase and one year contract, with language openers for 2022-2023, as needed or desired.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Set Public Hearing Date for the FY22 Budget – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to set the public hearing date for the FY2022 budget for March 22, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. Access Systems Agreement Revision – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the Access Systems Agreement revision.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. University of Northern Iowa Cooperative Agreement – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the University of Northern Iowa Cooperative Agreement for field experience and student teaching placement.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  7. Special Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Special Education Contract for student services with Des Moines Community School District.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  8. Fundraising Requests – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Junior/Senior Prom fundraiser and Webster City High School Cheerleading Fundraiser with Kona Ice.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Item 8. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the following:
  • Resignation of Bob Josten, JV Boys Basketball
  • Contracts of Tiffany McConnelee, Pleasant View Elementary Principal; Tyler McCubbin, High School Social Studies; and Laura Fisher, High School Student Council Advisor

Motion carried unanimously. 

Item 9. – Other

Items from the Superintendent –

  1. Dr. Ross congratulated the High School wrestling team on a successful season and recognized state qualifier Chase Rattenborg; 3rd place finisher Carson Doolittle; and state champion Cam Phetxoumphone.
  2. Dr. Ross reminded elementary school parents to look for the school flyer detailing the process of choosing a school assignment for grades K-3.

Items from the Board –  

  1. Mr. Patterson asked if youth softball or youth baseball had inquired about using the fields.  Dr. Ross indicated she was not aware of such requests.
  2. Ms. Van Diest thanked the family of Cleo Graham for donating money for a visual arts scholarship in her name.
  3. Mr. Stroner asked if there would be updates from FEH Design at the next board meeting.  Dr. Ross indicated that the architect would be at the next meeting to update the Board. 

ITEM 10. – Consent Items - It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the minutes of the February 22, 2021 board meeting; to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports; to approve payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes; and to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 11. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, March 22, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                                 Beth Van Diest, President      

kbiere@webster… Tue, 03/16/2021 - 11:53

Minutes - 2021.03.22

Minutes - 2021.03.22

 March 22, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, March 22, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the agenda with the addition of Action Item H and a resignation.  Motion carried unanimously.

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – Public Hearing on 2021-2022 Budget - – President Van Diest opened the Public Hearing at 6:01 p.m.  After no objections, President Van Diest closed the Public Hearing at 6:02 p.m. 

ITEM 6. – Discussion Items

A.  FFA Recognition – Kurt Veldhuizen, FFA Sponsor, and Jacie Crutcher and Riley Walker, WCHS students, gave a presentation highlighting the many activities Webster City High School’s FFA Chapter participates in.

B.  COVID19 Update – Joe Shanks, Activities Director, gave the Board an update on the 2020-2021 spring sports COVID-19 protocols.

C.  FEH Project Update – Tyler Riley, FEH Design, gave the Board an update on the air conditioning project at Sunset Heights Elementary and Pleasant View Elementaries. 

ITEM 7. – Action Items

A.  2021-2022 Budget Adoption – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the 2021-2022 Budget as presented.  Motion carried unanimously. 

B.  Budget Guarantee Resolution –

Director Pruismann introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption.  Director Williams seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called and the vote was:

AYES:  Williams, Pruismann, Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest  

NAYS:  None                                                                

The President declared the resolution adopted as follows:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Webster City Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2021-2022 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa.

C.  Approval of bidding documents for Pleasant View and Sunset Heights HVAC and lighting projects – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the bidding documents for Pleasant View and Sunset Heights HVAC and lighting projects.  Motion carried unanimously. 

D.  YSS Agreement – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the YSS agreement for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried unanimously. 

E.  Cleo Graham Estate Receipt, Consent, and Waiver of Notice – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Cleo Graham Estate Receipt, Consent and Waiver of Notice.  Motion carried unanimously. 

F.  ICN Agreement – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the ICN agreement.  Motion carried unanimously. 

G.  Hamilton County Public Health Vaccination Site – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve Hamilton County Public Health to use the Middle School as a vaccination site.  Motion carried unanimously. 

H.  Rental Agreement – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the rental of the Show Arena at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds for Prom on April 18, 2021.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 8. - Personnel

A.  Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the following:

Resignations of Brett Ratcliff, Head 8th Boys Basketball Coach; Brad Van Deer, JV Girls Basketball Coach; and Mary Embrey, Middle School Special Education

Contracts of Brett Ratcliff, JV Boys Basketball Coach

Motion carried unanimously.   

ITEM 9. – Other -

A.  Items from Dr. Ross –

      1.  Dr. Ross told the Board graduation is Sunday, May 23rd with more details to follow.   

B.  Items from the Board –

      1. Mr. Pruismann asked when the scholarship award ceremony will be held.  Dr. Ross asked Mr. Johnson, High School Principal, to get her the information. 

      2. Mr. Stroner asked when negotiations were to be held.  Dr. Ross said teacher negotiations will be held March 31 at 5:00 p.m. and support staff negotiations will be held April 7 at 4:00 p.m.

      3. Mr. Pruismann told the Board that RAGBRAI will be going through Blairsburg during the last week in July. 

ITEM 10. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the February 22, 2021 Board Meeting.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 11.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, April 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                                                   Attest:

Kathy Biere                                                                                             Beth Van Diest

kbiere@webster… Wed, 03/24/2021 - 10:01

Minutes - 2021.04.12

Minutes - 2021.04.12

April 12, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, April 12, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the agenda by adding COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic for WCHS Students Over 16 years old.  Motion carried unanimously

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items

  1. SWITCH Program Presentation – Cindi Sweedler, School Nurse, gave a presentation on the School Wellness Integration Targeting Child Health (SWITCH) Program at NEH Elementary.
  2. WCHS Band & Choir Trip Proposal – Greta Nelson, High School Vocal Music Teacher, and Rachel Daum, High School Instrumental Music Teacher, presented the Board with their proposal for High School Band and Choir students to travel to Nashville, TN March 17, 2022 – March 20, 2022.

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. WCHS Band & Choir Trip Proposal – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the WCHS Band and Chorus Trip Proposal to Nashville, TN.  Motion carried unanimously.
  2. COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic for WCHS Students over 16 Years Old – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve Webster City Hy-Vee Pharmacy to provide an on-site vaccination clinic for WCHS students who are 16 and older and have parent consent on April 23 and May 17.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. IXL Personalized Learning Platform Contract – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the IXL Personalized Learning Platform Contract.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Informal Board Meeting with Stratford on April 21, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve Mr. Pruismann and Ms. Van Diest to represent the Webster City School Board at the Informal Board Meeting with Stratford on April 21, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. DHS Juvenile Court Liaison Contract Renewal – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the DHS Juvenile Court Liaison Contract Renewal for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. AEA Purchasing Agreement -  Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the AEA purchasing agreement for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  7. Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Participation Agreement – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Participation Agreement effective July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  8. Timberline Billing Agreement of Service – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Timberline Billing Agreement of Service effective July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  9. Gifts to District – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve donations to Pleasant View Elementary for a bench in memory of Trudy Helton and a tree in memory of Flo Stein; and donations to the WCMS PBIS store for 200 pizza coupons from Casey’s, 20 ice cones from Kona Ice, and 20 ice cream cones or dilly bars from Dairy Queen.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  10. Special Education Contract – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Special Education Contract for Student Services with Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District.  Motion carried unanimously.
  11. Fundraising Reports – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve High School Baseball to sell Adrenaline Fundraising Cards and for Special Olympics to sell t-shirts.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Item 8. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the following:
  • Resignation of Elaine Robertson, Middle School Special Education; Marsha Halbach, 5th Grade; Kalleen Simmons, 6th Grade; Melissa Plagge, 9th Girls Basketball Coach; Ben Rasmussen, Assistant 8th Boys Basketball Coach; Craig Signorin, Head 8th Girls Basketball Interim Coach; Derek Turner, Head 7th Boys Basketball Coach
  • Contracts of Paige Moberly, HS Special Education Teacher; Jess Howard, HS Student Council Advisor; Melissa Plagge, JV Girls Basketball Coach; Ben Rasmussen, Head 8th Boys Basketball Coach; Craig Signorin, Head 7th Boys Basketball Coach; Derek Turner, Assistant 8th Boys Basketball Coach

Motion carried unanimously. 

Item 9. – Other

  1. Items from the Superintendent –
  1. Dr. Ross informed the Board a bus inspection was held on March 26, 2021 and all 30 vehicles passed inspection with no infractions.   Dr. Ross commended Transportation Director, Ted Larson, and his staff for the good work. 
  2. Dr. Ross thanked Seneca Foundry for sponsoring two WCHS students to participate in Business Horizons being held at Central College in Pella this summer. 
  1. Dr. Ross Items from the Board –
  1. Ms. Van Diest thanked High School Principal, Dan Johnson, and his staff for sending information out regarding activities for the senior class.
  2. Mr. Stroner asked if plans had been made to coordinate holding Prom at the fairgrounds at the same time as the races.  Dan Johnson, High School Principal, said the fairgrounds did not think holding both activities at the same time would be a problem. 

ITEM 10. – Consent Items - It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2021 board meeting; to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports; to approve payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes; and to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 11. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

The Board went into exempt session on Negotiations.  Negotiating sessions, strategy meetings of public employers or employee organizations, mediation and deliberative process of arbitration shall be exempt from the provisions of Chapter 21.  Iowa Code 20.17 (3)

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, April 26, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                              Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Wed, 04/14/2021 - 13:18

Minutes - 2021.04.26

Minutes - 2021.04.26

April 26, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, April 26, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa. 

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the agenda with changes as proposed.

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Resolution Directing the Sale –

Board Member Stroner introduced the following Resolution entitled "Resolution DIRECTING THE SALE OF $2,081,000 SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE SALES, SERVICES AND USE TAX REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2021," and moved its adoption.  Board Member Patterson seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called and the vote was:


Williams, Pruismann, Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest



            The President declared the Resolution adopted.


            NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED BY THE Board of Directors OF THE WEBSTER CITY Community School District: 

Section 1.  The School District has received a proposal for the sale of the Bonds and has arranged for the sale of these Bonds to Key Government Finance Inc., at a purchase price of $2,081.000 plus accrued interest to date of delivery; and 

Section 2.  That the form of contract for the sale of the Bonds is approved and the President and Secretary are authorized and directed to execute the contract for sale of the Bonds on behalf of the School District. 

            Section 3. That the President and Secretary are authorized and directed to issue and deliver $2,081,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2021, in the aggregate principal amount of $2,081,000, in the denomination of $100,000 or integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof, bearing interest and maturing as follows:

Principal Amount

Interest Rate

Maturity Date

See attached

Section 4.  That all acts of the Superintendent of Schools, Secretary of the Board, and Placement Agent done in furtherance of the sale of the Bonds are ratified and approved. 

  1. Approval of Construction Bid – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the bid from Peterson Construction for the Pleasant View Elementary and Sunset Heights Elementary HVAC project.  Motion carried. 
  2. Tentative Agreement with WCEA – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the tentative agreement with the Webster City Education Association for a salary package increase of 2.33%.  Motion carried.    
  3. Tentative Agreement with WCESA – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the tentative agreement with the Webster City Educational Services Association for a salary package increase of 2.90%.  Motion carried. 
  4. Non-Bargaining and Administrative Salaries – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the Non-Bargaining and Administrative salaries.  Motion carried. 
  5. Updated Board Policy 904.1 – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to direct Dr. Ross to re-work Board Policy 904.1 to provide more clarity regarding third party vendors on school property.  Motion carried. 
  6. One-Time Staff Stipend – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the one-time staff stipend for all staff including Dr. Ross, to reflect the extra efforts of staff during the two-week remote learning period in November-December, 2020.  Motion carried. 
  7. Downtown Hilton Agreement – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Downtown Hilton agreement for the School Administrators of Iowa conference in August 2021.  Motion carried. 
  8. Gift to the District – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the gift to the District from North Central Turf to the Mighty Trojan Daycare Center at Northeast Hamilton Elementary.  Motion carried. 
  9. Fundraising Requests – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the fundraising requests of High School Girls’ Basketball, Middle School Art Show, and Webster City Rocketry Club.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 7. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the following:
  • Resignations of Mary Battazzi, Special Education Teacher; Karen Anderson, Middle School Paraeducator; Paul Baedke, High School Girls Soccer Coach; Marta Paukert, Prom Supervisor; Stacy Zoske, High School FCS; and Virginia Velasquez, Pleasant View Secretary/Paraeducator. 
  • Contracts of Chad Vogelbacher, Interim High School Girls’ Soccer Coach; Kennedy Daniels, Interim High School Girls’ Soccer Assistant Coach; transfer of Melissa Lammers from 5th Grade to 6th Grade; and the transfer of Tammy Massman from NEH 3rd Grade to NEH 1st Grade. 

Motion carried.   

ITEM 8. – Other -

A.  Items from Dr. Ross -

       1.  Dr. Ross informed the Board Senior Award Night would be held on Wednesday, May 19 and graduation is set for Sunday, May 23.  

B.  Items from the Board –

       1.  Mr. Pruismann asked for a copy of the projections shared by Matt Gillaspie from Piper Sandler.

       2,  Mr. Pruismann said the Northeast Hamilton Foundation is making a $350 donation to Northeast Hamilton Elementary to go towards the art program.

       3.   Ms. Van Diest said the Informal Board Meeting with Stratford on April 24 went very well and shared details.

ITEM 9. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2021 Board Meeting.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 10.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 p.m.  Motion carried. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, May 10, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

kbiere@webster… Thu, 04/29/2021 - 13:44

Minutes - 2021.05.10

Minutes - 2021.05.10

May 10, 2021 

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, May 10, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

 ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order 6:00 p.m.

 ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann (via Zoom), Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

 ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the agenda. 

 ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

 ITEM 5. – School Board Member Recognition Month – Each board member received a certificate of appreciation and Dr. Ross thanked the Board for their hard work and dedication to the District. 

 ITEM 6. – Discussion Items  

  1. 2021-2022 High School Schedule – High School Principal, Dan Johnson, gave a presentation on the 2021-2022 High School schedule recommendation.  The Schedule Study Committee, comprised of teachers and administrators, recommend returning to an 8 period day for the 2021-2022 school year.  

ITEM 7. – Action Items  

  1. Bond Disclosure Policy – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Bond Disclosure Policy.  Motion carried. 
  2. Post Issuance Compliance Regulation – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Post Issuance Compliance Regulation.  Motion carried. 
  3. Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement and Authorizing the Execution of Same – Board Member Stroner introduced the following Resolution entitled "RESOLUTION APPOINTING PAYING AGENT, bond REGISTRAR, AND TRANSFER AGENT, APPROVING THE PAYING AGENT, bond REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER AGENT AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SAME" and moved its adoption.  Board Member Patterson seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called, and the vote was:  AYES:  Williams, Pruismann (via Zoom), Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest.  NAYS:  None.  The President declared the Resolution adopted. 
  4. Approval of Tax Exempt Certificate – Board Member Williams moved that the form of Tax Exemption Certificate be placed on file and approved. Board Member Stroner seconded the motion.  The roll was called, and the vote was:  AYES:  Williams, Pruismann (via Zoom), Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest.  NAYS:  None.  The President declared the Motion adopted.
  5. Resolution Authorizing and Providing for the Terms of Issuance and Securing the Payment of $2,081,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds – Board Member Stroner introduced the following Resolution entitled "Resolution Authorizing AND PROVIDING FOR the Terms of Issuance and Securing the Payment of $2,081,000 school infrastructure sales, services and use tax revenue bondS, SERIES 2021, OF THE Webster City Community School District, State of Iowa, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTERS 423E AND 423F OF THE CODE OF IOWA, AND PROVIDING FOR A METHOD OF PAYMENT OF SAID bondS," and moved its adoption.  Board Member Patterson seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called, and the vote was:  AYES:  Williams, Pruismann (via Zoom), Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest.  NAYS:  None.  The President declared the Resolution adopted. 
  6. Set Public Hearing date for 2020-2021 Budget Amendment – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to set the Public Hearing date for the 2020-2021 Budget Amendment for Monday, May 24, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the School Administration Board Room.  Motion carried. 
  7. Principal and Interest Payment Authorization – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the principal and interest payment authorization of $865,354.41.  Motion carried. 
  8. Tentative Graduation List – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the tentative graduation list.  Motion carried. 
  9. North Central Consortium School Agreement – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the North Central Consortium School Agreement for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried. 
  10. Webster City Mentoring Program Second Amendment – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Mentoring Program Second Amendment.  Motion carried. 
  11. Gift to the District – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the donation from the Class of 1965 to the Needy Family Fund in memory of Danny Riley.  Motion carried. 
  12. Fundraising Requests – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Webster City High School Vocal Boosters Fundraiser and the National Honor Society Fundraisers.  Motion carried. 

Item 8. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the following:
  • Resignation of Dan Johnson, High School Principal; Jan Feltes, High School Special Education; and Tyler Mosbach, 7th Grade Assistant Boys Basketball Coach.
  • Contracts of Lisa Lyons to 5th Grade at Webster City Middle School; Michael Ross to Academic Interventionist at Sunset Heights Elementary; Lisa Goedken to 3rd Grade at Northeast Hamilton Elementary; Taylor McKinney, 7th Grade Boys Baseball Coach; and Breanna Hughes, Middle School Special Education. 

Motion carried. 

Item 9. – Other

A. Items from the Superintendent –

  1. Dr. Ross recognized the Board during School Board Appreciation Month and thanked them for their commitment to provide direction and leadership to the District. 
  2. Dr. Ross recognized the teachers as well as other staff for Teacher Appreciation Week last week and for their dedication during this unprecedented school year. 
  3. Dr. Ross congratulated the 124 seniors on their graduation on May 23rd and said she was very proud of their accomplishments,

B. Items from the Board –

  1. Mr. Stroner asked when the awards ceremony was going to be held.  Mr. Johnson said the awards ceremony will be held Wednesday, May 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the competition gym. 
  2. Mr. Pruismann thanked the Board for the plant sent for his mother’s funeral. 

ITEM 10. – Consent Items - It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the April 26, 2021 board meeting; to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports; to approve payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes; and to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report. 

The Board went into closed session at 6:46 p.m.

ITEM 11. – Superintendent Evaluation – Closed Session 21.5(i) To Evaluate the Professional Competency of an Individual Whose Appointment, Hiring, Performance or Discharge is Being Considered When Necessary to Prevent Needless and Irreparable Injury to That Individual’s Reputation and That Individual Requests a Close Session. 

The Board came out of closed session at 8:40 p.m.  Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to award a salary increase of 3% to Dr. Ross for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 12. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m.  Motion carried.    

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, May 24, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                                         Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                                 Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Wed, 05/12/2021 - 14:40

Minutes - 2021.05.18

Minutes - 2021.05.18

May 18, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in special session, May 18, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann (via Zoom), Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the agenda with the addition of a contract recommendation.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Three people requested their remarks be shared during Open Comment to the Board.  They were:  Katie Jacobson, Alison Weidemann, and Alicia Linderman. 

ITEM 5. – Action Items

  1. Response to the Iowa Department of Health Mask Guidance dated May 14, 2021 – Dr. Ross received emails from 23 people, which were shared with the Board before the meeting.  Of those, 10 were in favor of requiring masks for the remainder of the school year, while 13 were against. 

Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve maintaining masks for the remaining 8 days of the school year when indoors; relax masking at all outdoor events while encouraging social distancing beyond households; masks for summer school optional beginning June 1; maintain masks on busses, which aligns with federal mask requirements; and have open bleacher seating for baseball and softball.  Motion passed with Williams, Stroner, Patterson, Van Diest voting aye, and Pruismann voting nay.   

Item 6. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the following:
  • Resignation of Elizabeth Schwake, Northeast Hamilton Elementary Music and Middle School Band; Jim Hindt, High School English; and Emily Sletten, 2nd Grade at Northeast Hamilton Elementary.
  • Contracts of Molly Westrum, Social Worker; Carissa Lee, 2nd Grade at Northeast Hamilton Elementary; Sonjia Johnson, 2nd Grade at Northeast Hamilton Elementary; transfer of Emily Pruismann to .5 Instructional Coach and .5 ELL at Northeast Hamilton Elementary, and Kennedy Daniels, 3rd Grade at Sunset Heights Elementary.  Motion carried. 

Item 7. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 4:56 p.m.  Motion carried.    

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, May 24, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                              Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Tue, 05/25/2021 - 09:27

Minutes - 2021.05.24

Minutes - 2021.05.24

May 24, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, May 24, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present, via Zoom, were members of the media and other interested parties.  Mr. Patterson was absent. 

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the agenda by adding a personnel item.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – Action Items

  1. Public Hearing on 2020-2021 Budget Amendment – President Van Diest opened the public hearing at 6:04 p.m.  After no public comment was received, the public hearing was closed at 6:05 p.m.
  2. 2020-2021 Budget Amendment Adoption – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the 2020-2021 Budget Amendment Adoption.  Motion carried. 
  3. Propane Bids – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the propane bid from Innovative Ag for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried. 
  4. Bread and Milk Bids –Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the bread bid from Pan-O-Gold and to approve the milk bid from Anderson Erickson for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried. 
  5. 28E Agreement with Fort Dodge Community School District – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the 28E agreement with Fort Dodge Community School for a shared Social Worker for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried. 
  6. 2021-2022 Substitute Pay Rates – Tabled until the June 14, 2021 board meeting.
  7. 2021-2022 School Fees – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the 2021-2022 school fees.  Motion carried. 
  8. YSS Interagency Memorandum of Agreement – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the YSS Interagency Memorandum of Agreement for school-based mentoring.  Motion carried.
  9. Fundraising Request – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the fundraising request of the High School Vocal Music Boosters to host a garage sale.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 6. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendation – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams to approve the contract recommendation of Richard Hutchinson, High School Principal.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 7. – Other -

  1. Items from Dr. Ross –

          1.  Dr. Ross congratulated the High School Class of 2021. 

          2.  Dr. Ross provided the Board with fee information to review for the next board meeting. 

     B.  Items from the Board –

           1.  Ms. Williams asked about job details for the Social Worker.  Dr. Ross said the District will have more details after her contract starts in August so she can be a part                   of the planning process.  The Social Worker will spend the majority of her time at the Middle School and High School, but can support the elementary schools, if needed. 

ITEM 8. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2021 Board Meeting.  Motion carried. 

ITEM 9.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  Motion carried. 

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, June 14, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                              Attest: 

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Tue, 05/25/2021 - 09:30

Minutes - 2021.06.14

Minutes - 2021.06.14

June 14, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, June 14, 2021, in the School Administration Office Board Room, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m 

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Williams, Mr. Pruismann, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Patterson, and Ms. Van Diest.  Also present were Jenn Peters, Amanda Warweg, Mitch Dunham, and via Zoom, members of the media and other interested parties.   

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5. – WC Rocketry Recognition – Mark Murphy, Webster City Rocketry Sponsor, told the Board the High School Rocketry Team went to a regional competition and qualified for nationals.

ITEM 6. – Discussion Items

  1. Naming of Athletic Fields – The Board discussed possible criteria to be used in the process of naming athletic fields.  Staff will bring potential criteria for discussion and action at the July board meeting. 

ITEM 7. – Action Items

  1. Return to In-Person Board Meetings – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the return to in-person board meetings without Zoom beginning July, 12, 2021.  Discussion reflected that returning to Zoom might be necessary in the future, depending on the pandemic.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  2. High School Weight Room – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the use of the High School weight room by WCHS graduates during supervised hours until August 1, 2021.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. Special Education Delivery Plan – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Special Education Delivery Plan.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Measures of College Readiness – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Measures of College Readiness.  Motion carried unanimously.
  5. Rental House – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the Superintendent to begin the process of selling the Blairsburg rental house, as is, on the current site.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. Inactive Activity Accounts – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the transfer of money from inactive activity accounts.  Motion carried unanimously.
  7. Debt Service Payment – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the Debt Service Payment.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  8. Pleasant View Change Order:  Electrical Transformer – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the electrical transformer change order at Pleasant View Elementary.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  9. Davis-Bacon Compliance – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Davis-Bacon Compliance.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  10. PK-8th iPad Apple Lease Agreement – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the PK-8th iPad Apple Lease Agreement.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  11. 9th-12th Chromebook Lease Agreement – Motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the 9th-12th Chromebook Lease Agreement.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  12. 2021-2022 Substitute Base Pay Rates – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the 2021-2022 substitute base pay rates.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  13. St. Thomas Apple Lease – Motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the St. Thomas Apple Lease with WCCSD as the fiscal agent for federal COVID funds.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  14. June 30, 2021 Bills and Claims – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve President Van Diest to approve June 30, 2021 bills and claims.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  15. Gifts to the District – Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the donation of a hydration station from Joe Shanks, and a monetary donation from the Booster Club to purchase end zone clocks.  Motion carried unanimously.
  16. Fundraising Requests – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the High School Cheerleader fundraising request to sell Lynx apparel and accessories and to table the Paw Print fundraiser until the July board meeting due to questions that were raised in the discussion.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Item 8. – Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations – Motion by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the following:
  • Resignation of Jaime Roelfs, High School 12-Month Secretary; Jess Miller, High School Custodian; Chad Vogelbacher, Assistant Girls Soccer; and Stephanie Pace, WCTV.
  • Contracts of Caitlin Stone, NEH Elementary Kindergarten; Amanda Bailey, NEH Elementary Special Education; Austin Priborsky, High School English and WCTV; Kylie Crane, Pleasant View Paraeducator; transfer of Hillary Lang, Paraeducator from NEH Elementary to Pleasant View Elementary.

Motion carried unanimously. 

Item 9. – Other

A.  Items from the Superintendent –

  1. Dr. Ross will be on vacation from June 19 through the 4th of July weekend.

B.  Items from the Board –

  1. Mr. Stroner asked if money from the rental house could be used to improve the handicapped parking at the football field.  Dr. Ross said the money from the sale of the rental house would go into the general fund and that other funds could be used to make improvements.

ITEM 10. – Consent Items - It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the minutes of the May 18 and May 24, 2021 Board Meetings; to approve General, Schoolhouse, Lunch and Activity Fund Reports; to approve payment of the bills and claims as listed at the close of these minutes; and to approve the interfund transfer and the fundraising report.  Motion carried unanimously. 

ITEM 11. – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m.   Motion carried unanimously. 

The Board went into a work session on Building Usage Fees and no action was taken.

The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 12, at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.

Attest:                                                              Attest:

Kathy Biere, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President

kbiere@webster… Wed, 06/16/2021 - 16:18