Minutes - 2020.06.29

Minutes - 2020.06.29

June 29, 2020


The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in special session, via ZOOM Meeting, June 29, 2020, in the School Administration Building, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Van Diest, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Pruismann and Ms. Williams.  Also present, via ZOOM, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the agenda with two additional personnel items added.  Motion carried.

Dr. Ross and Mr. Johnson, High School Principal, read statements to apologize for not recognizing students, in abstensia, at the high school graduation ceremony held on Sunday, June 28th.  Mr. Johnson then read the name of each graduate not in attendance on Sunday.

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – Dr. Ross read an email she received from Tonya Doyle regarding graduation.

ITEM 5. – Discussion Items – There were none.

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. Return to Learn Plan – Following a power point presentation, a motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the District’s Return to Learn Plan.  Motion carried.  The plan must be submitted to the Department of Education by July 1, 2020.

ITEM 7. - Personnel

  1. Contract Recommendations - A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the following:
    • Resignations from: Stephanie Nokes, Pleasant View Paraeductor; and Chelsea Wagoner, Sunset Heights Paraeducator.
    • Recommendations of: Madison Walker, High School FCS Teacher; Rose Kuderer, Bus Driver; Monica Trujillo, Assistant Middle School Girls Track Coach; Ana Hug, Middle School Band Instructor; and Heidi Kayer, Middle School Art Teacher. 

ITEM 8. – Other

  1. Items from Dr. Ross
    • Dr. Ross reported that she has posted a statement on our new District web page showing guidance from the Iowa Department of Education on reopening school in the fall and will be updated as we receive more information.
    • Dr. Ross reported, as of July 1, 2020, schools are allowed to resume summer activities.  The athletic department is putting procedures in place including social distancing, wearing masks, keeping records of those attending, and working with “pods” of no more than 10 student athletes.
    • Dr. Ross reported the new parts for the lights at the baseball field are in and the lights will be fixed on Tuesday.
  1. Items from the Board
    • Ms. Williams stated she would like to see the school nurses involved in any decisions made regarding whether we should shut down softball or baseball should the need arise.  Cindi Sweedler, Elementary nurse, stated they receive updates regularly from public health.  Dr. Ross thanked Dr. Jim Kumm for his participation in the process, as well.
    • Mr. Pruismann asked for clarification on where the public can access the survey referenced in the Return to Learn presentation.  Dr. Ross stated it will be a Google form sent out through Infinite Campus and will also be available on the District website.

ITEM 9. – Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the minutes of the June 11, 2020 Board Meeting.  Motion carried.

ITEM 10.  – Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m.  Motion carried, all members present voting aye.

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, July 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.  Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.


Cathi Hildebrand, Secretary                                        Beth Van Diest, President      

cathi_hildebra… Tue, 06/30/2020 - 12:26