Minutes - 2020.04.27

Minutes - 2020.04.27

April 27, 2020


The Board of Directors of the Webster City Community School District in the counties of Hamilton, Webster and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session, via ZOOM meeting, Monday, April 27, 2020, in the School Administration Building, Webster City, Iowa.

ITEM 1. – Call to Order – The Board President called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

ITEM 2. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Van Diest, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Stroner, Mr. Pruismann, and Ms. Williams.  Also present, via ZOOM, were members of the media and other interested parties.

ITEM 3. – Approval of Agenda – It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the agenda as written.  Motion carried.

ITEM 4. – Open Comment to the Board – There were none.

ITEM 5.  - Discussion Items 

  1. PreK-8 Reading Curriculum Adoption - Jama Hisler, Director of Teaching and Learning; C.J. Clabaugh, 6th Grade Teacher; Diane Bahrenfuss, 3rd Grade Teacher; and Kristin Hammitt, 1st Grade Teacher, presented the Board with information on a proposed reading adoption.  PreK through 4th grade will be using Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, and 5th grade through 8th grade will be using Lucy Calkins Reading and Writing Units of Study.

ITEM 6. – Action Items

  1. K-8 Reading Curriculum Adoption – A motion was made by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the PreK-8 Reading Adoption as presented.  Motion carried.
  2. Disposal of Curriculum Materials – A motion was made by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the disposal of the old reading series as proposed.  Motion carried.
  3. Coronavirus Resolution - A motion was made by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve an updated Coronavirus resolution.  Motion carried.
  4. High School grading during the Pandemic – A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the high school grading plan as proposed.  Motion carried.  Students will be given the option to take a letter grade or a “pass/incomplete” grade. 
  5. Tentative Agreement with WCEA – A motion was made by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the tentative agreement with Webster City Education Association with a total package increase of 2.81%.  Motion carried.
  6. Tentative Agreement with WCESA – A motion was made by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the tentative agreement with Webster City Educational Services Association with a total package increase of 3.41%.  Motion carried.
  7. Computer Information Concepts Contract – A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve the contract with Computer Information Concepts for ISASP assessment import.  Motion carried.
  8. School Bus Bid – A motion was made by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the bus bid from School Bus Sales, Inc. for a 30 passenger bus in the amount of $67,956.00.  Motion carried.
  9. Audit RFP – A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Stroner, to approve the Request for Proposal from Nolte, Cornman, and Johnson, PC for audit services for 2020, 2021, and 2022.  Motion carried.
  10. Gifts – A motion was made by Mr. Stroner, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to accept gifts to the District of M and M’s, hot dogs, cheese dogs, buns, and candy from Yes Way and weight training equipment from DS Consulting Services.  Motion carried.
  11. FEH Contract – A motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Mr. Patterson, to approve the contract with FEH Design for project evaluations.  Motion carried.
  12. YSS Contract – A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the annual Youth and Shelter Services contract.   Motion carried.

ITEM 7.  – Other

  1. Items from the Board – There were none.
  2. Items from Dr. Ross
    • Dr. Ross reported the District is required to file a “Return to Learn” plan to the Department of Education by July 1st.  The plan will be presented to the Board in June.
    • Dr. Ross thanked Mark Murphy and the Technology Department for making parts for face shields with the District’s 3-D printer.  The parts were delivered to the AEA and will be used to complete PPE face shields.

ITEM 8. - Consent Items – It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Williams, to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2020 Board Meeting.  Motion carried.

ITEM 9 - Adjournment - A motion was made by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Ms. Williams, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.  Motion carried, all members present voting aye.

The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office Board Room.   Board Meetings are subject to change dependent upon need.


Cathi Hildebrand, Secretary                                     Beth Van Diest, President 

cathi_hildebra… Wed, 04/29/2020 - 06:51