502.12 - Student Involvement in Decision Making

502.12 - Student Involvement in Decision Making

High school students may have a formal process for involvement in the decisions affecting the school district.  In making the appointments, the superintendent shall strive to represent the many facets of the student population.

Recommendations from the committee to the superintendent or to the board shall be advisory in nature.  Recommendations representing a major change from the current education program and school district operations shall be brought to the board through a recommendation by the superintendent.  Recommendations representing little change in the education program or school district operations may be approved by the superintendent.



Cross Reference:         
209      Committees of the Board of Directors

215      Public Participation in Board Meetings

Approved:  March 2007
Reviewed:  October 2016


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 11/22/2019 - 15:24